
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 1 March 2014


Thought numero uno: Giphy is like my favourite new website. It's just GIFs. Endless GIFs. It's beautiful. They even have a reaction GIF section and I just

Thought #2: I don't know if this it old news or not, but Brad Pitt fINALLY CUT HIS HAIR.
I'm not sure how I feel about the whole Macklemore look on him, but anything is better than the long hair he's been sporting since the beginning of forever.

Thought number 3: WHAT THE HELL DOES RUSSIA THINK THEY'RE DOING INVADING UKRAINE??? This could quite possibly lead to something bigger like  WWIII and I do not want that. No invading. Please.

Thought Num Four: this ever changing numbering system I've adapted is part homage to Margo Roth Speigleman and her Capitalization Equality (Paper Towns, John Green), part me being not myself, and part pissing me off because it is not me.

Thought Integer 5: Yo I got 85% on my econ midterm which is way better than I actually did because the prof bell curved the marks. I actually got 70%, which I'm still pretty happy with. I've done worse. (The class average was 49%. Out of 40, the highest mark was 31 and the lowest mark was 4.)

Thought Number Sei: I can't believe February is over already. On the other hand, that means it is now March and I will soon find out if I got the job at FCC. I CAN'T WAIT.

Thought # 7: I'm trying to watch all (well, most, really) of the Oscar nominated films before the Oscars happen, which I will be watching tomorrow evening. I even printed off a ballot card :) So far I've seen The Wolf of Wall Street, Her, Gravity, and American Hustle in the Best Picture category.  So far my favourite is Gravity. It was truly an amazing movie, I really liked it. I enjoyed Her as well. I wasn't a huge fan of American Hustle, which kind of disappointed me. I didn't end up finishing it. I'm going to watch 12 Years a Slave this evening. (I've also seen Frozen, Despicable Me 2, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, Start Trek Into Darkness and Iron Man 3 which are nominated in other categories).

Thought # Eight: I need to choose my courses for the fall term this week. Problem is I can't find the list of courses I'm required to take, so I don't even know how many electives I have to choose.

Thought number nove: I painted a Weeping Angel paint-by-number style and I really like how it turned out. Unfortunately for you, I'm such a lazy butt that you don't get a picture. At least not today.

Thought num 10: I should probably start reading one of 5 chapters I need to read this week but screw it it's the weekend I watched two hours of photoshop tutorials I'm going to do some fun reading.

au revoir

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