
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 29 March 2014

Fridays Always Drag...

Today was a long day. There was Stratford of course (I'm so glad I only have to go back one more time then I'm done...until September at least). And then this evening I went to see a concert of all the UWaterloo A Capella groups preform. It was really good. I quite enjoy a cappella. More so when it's songs I know, because I can reference how close they are to coming to replicating the song. But it was all good. Also one of my newer friends was singing in it and she wanted me to see it, so I thought I would go and support her. Some songs they did were Bravado, Say Something, Let It Go (!!!) and a Michael Jackson song that I am currently forgetting. The show was over 2 hours though, so it was a but rough because I'd already been sitting all day. I've discovered that a good time to go on tumblr is when it's late, 1) because that's when everybody else is on and there's more stuff being posted and 2) I'm tired, so it doesn't take much to make me laugh really hard. And laughing is always fun :)

127. What do you say during awkward silences?
(after waiting to see if the other person/people will break the silence): Ok, well I'll see you later? (i.e. I try to get out of them)

128. Describe your dream girl/guy.
My dream guy would be taller than me*, broader build. Not necessarily muscular but strong, short hair. He would make me laugh, treat me like a lady, but not be afraid to goof off. Christian. Accept me for who I am, get along with my friends and family. Not a smoker (or any other drugs for that matter). Not a fan of alcohol. Likes to read, listen to (my) music, watch movies. Won't get jealous or angry when I fantasize about Benedict Cumberbatch. Wants to have kids. Is ok with staying in. Have similar financial views to me. Polite.
But might I just bring these back:

*this is a very big and strong wish I have

If being wrong's a crime / I'm serving forever
- Swingin Party, Lorde

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