
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 23 March 2014

Wind Out

Friday night was Renison's Wind Out. Everybody gets dressed up to go to the Delta hotel in Kitchener and have a very nice dinner. They gave out some of the awards and then there was a dance. It was pretty fun, but I've never been much of a dance person. When we got back at about 11:30, my friends and I ordered pizza and had another dance party in one of the lounges. Then we all slept in one room, like a sleepover. It was a lot of fun. Until 9:30AM, that is, when the fire alarm went off. According to the dons,  the fire alarm was supposed to go off at 1pm. The thing I want to know is who decided that a fire alarm the day after Wind Out (where there was a bar) would be a good idea? And then who thought it would be a good idea to do it in the morning?! Because I had slept in my friends room, I didn't have my jacket or proper shoes. I was standing outside in shorts, a t-shirt and flip-flops in below zero temperatures for over half a hour. Then one of the sweetest things that has ever happened to me happened: Josh came over and gave me his jacket. Like seriously, these types of things don't happen to me. But then he was shy and so just kind of walked away after he gave it to me. I was able to thank him later when I gave it back. But that's like the sweetest thing that's ever happened to me.  Then I spent all of yesterday in my friends room, a majority of that time occupying a portion of her bed. I did manage to get some work done on my peanut butter report*, but it was an overall very lazy day. I watched a couple episodes of Hannibal. I'm enjoying it, but it's some pretty dense stuff. I would find myself halfway through the episode all tense and holding my breath. But fun times and lazy days will soon be over because there are only 2 (TWO!!) weeks of classes left and then the dreaded exams. Ugh. I am so ready for everything to be over (and for camp to start!!!)

123. Spell your name with your chin.
Since I am in a public place, I will retain my dignity and do this later.

124. Do you play sports? What sports?
I don't play any sports. Unless belaying can be consider a sport...


  1. Chivalry is not dead! Love him! A true gentleman!! Good luck with exams! What did you wear to wind out and why is it called that?

    1. I wore my prom dress (who'd of thought I'd ever have a chance to wear it again???) It's called Wind Out because we're winding down, it's the end of the year and all. There was a less formal dinner at the beginning of the year called Wind In.
