
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Last weekend Aeropostale was having a 50% off sale so I decided to look at their website. There were some things I was interested in getting. If you spent $75, then you got free shipping. So I added some of those little thing that you don't really want, but you get anyways just to get yourself the free shipping. I go to put my order through and what appears but A $25 INTERNATIONAL HANDLING FEE. I couldn't believe it. I gave up on the order because it was all just so stupid. Free shipping means free shipping as in no additional money required. Then my parents were in an Aeropostale store and were able to get one of the things I had wanted. Unfortunately, the thing I wanted the most wasn't at the store. Yesterday I told myself that if I wanted to get people presents, I'm going to have to stop spending money on myself, because I've been spending money like there's no tomorrow recently. But when I went to church this morning and was walking through the mall, there it was. The thing I wanted, a neon coloured infinity scarf, hanging there, just waiting for me. And when I had been looking at it online, it was 50% off, but it was 60% off in the store, so that made it even harder to resist. So despite the fact that I don't have a lot of money and I told myself I wasn't buying anything else and everybody's gift budget just went down a smudge, I bought the scarf :)