
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 26 December 2013

Happy Boxing Day

We went boxing day shopping, and it took us forever to get a parking spot. But I got some good stuff. Old Navy was buy one, get one for a loonie, so I got a shirt with anchors on it and a sweater. We got the Dutch Blitz expansion pack, so now you can play with 8 players, instead of just 4. I also got some moisturizer and body spray. And just now, I GOT SHERLOCK SEASON 1 FOR $20. Now, why am I so excited about season 1, you may ask? Well, for starters, it only cost 20 bucks, when normally it's around $40. And now I can watch it countless times, which I do with my season 2 DVDs. And what kind of fan am I if I don't own the DVDs? Also, season 3 airs in 5 DAYS AND I'M SO EXCITED. There was a mini episode released on Christmas Eve called Many Happy Returns, which was awesome!!! I can't even handle it right now. It was revealed that Anderson, someone who everybody hated (including Sherlock himself), has now lost his job because he still believes that Sherlock is alive. AGH. I can't wait! Also, a new Doctor Who episode aired yesterday, but I'll have to wait until I get back to watch it. But now I can't go on tumblr or anything because there might be spoilers :(

49. Do you dance in the car?
Uh, I think dancing in a car would be difficult. But I've probably at some point done some sort of shimmy in the seat...

50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
Yup! At FCC. Archery is actually something that I wish I could do more of and become better at. I think it's so much fun, but I'm not very good at it.


  1. dutch blitz expansion pack?? please tell me where you found it :)

    1. It was from a store called Miss Tiggy Winkles, but I'm pretty sure they don't have a location in London. You can get it on their website: http://www.dutchblitz.com/buy-blue.htm (they have free shipping right now). I know that Chapters/Indigo caries the original, I don't know about the expansion pack. Hope this helps!
