
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 22 December 2013

Gingerbread (QOTD #45 & 46)

I finally got around to loading my pictures onto my laptop. Well, I was trying some stuff out and I ran out of room on my memory card, so I was forced to, but it's all the same to you. If the other thing I'm working on turns out, I'll show you that too. But now, gingerbread!

Might I say, the best gingerbread house we've ever had. And it was made from scratch completely by me :)

45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
.....I wish I had a last kiss to begin with...

46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
If the thoughts in my head count as "someone", then yes.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing gingerbread house!! Love the bikini on the gingerbread cookie. Hilarious!
