
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 28 October 2014

How To Sell A Book:

A beautiful and distinguished family.
A private island.
A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy.
A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive.
A revolution. An accident. A secret.
Lies upon lies.
True love.
The truth.
We Were Liars is a modern, sophisticated suspense novel from National Book Award finalist and Printz Award honoree E. Lockhart. 

Read it.
And if anyone asks you how it ends, just LIE.

Want To See A Great Weekend Unfold?

Ever since I flipped through an old atlas that my parents had and found these gems:


I've had a bit of a thing for old advertisements. I think they're hilarious. So when I stumbled across 
"The 26 Most Creative Automotive Adverts of All Time", I had to take a look. And these are some of my favourites:

I love them! The subtle sass and dissing other companies. It's all beautiful. And they admit that they have problems and their not perfect (one quite literally). This is what advertising should be. 

Monday 27 October 2014

McDonalds is Organic

Where McDonalds is pulled off as organic food: here. (click the little cc button at the bottom to get subtitles.


So I'm scrolling through Pinterest and I come across these obnoxiously large wooden boards/pallets with quotes or phrases painted on them. And most of them are pretty cheesy, in my opinion: "Love" "Every little thing is gonna be alright" kind of thing. But then I come across this one
And I just...I don't know if this was a mistake, or if the meant to say breath? Because I would not want "breath" on my wall. And definitely not of that size. And it's not even like there's enough room that you could add the 'e' yourself. I don't even know what to think about this.

Sunday 26 October 2014

Welcome to the World of Procrastination!

Welcome to the World of Procrastination! Here, you will enjoy the motivation to do anything but the the thing you need to be doing. And all without any guilt*! Watch as all the little tasks you've been avoiding for weeks finally get done as you avoid the more important tasks at hand. After you've enjoyed your time here, we suggest you go visit Cramming City, where they will provide you with the mindset to finally get stuff done! And once again, enjoy your visit in the World of Procrastination!
So yeah. I'm not really procrastinating (much) but I thought it would be funny to do a little blurb about it. And it got me thinking, if you procrastinate, but don't like seriously procrastinate, then you might actually be more productive than if you'd just done your work in the first place. I know this doesn't go for everyone, but if you procrastinate by doing other things that you've been avoiding, while not being such a big procrastinator that you leave yourself a decent amount of time to get the important things done, then clearly procrastinating is the way to get things done! This is totally me. But then you start procrastinating by going on Pinterest or tumblr, and let's be honest, once you've hit the Internet, there's no leaving, so you might as well just give up all hope of getting anything done.
I don't have much to do today, but it's all stuff I don't want to do. I have no idea what my TED talk is going to be about. It has to be about something in our "industry". Please, I don't even know what I want to do with my life yet. How will I know anything about my industry?

*this does not apply to everyone

270. Turn off.
- when people try to grow beards but they clearly do not have the ability to do so
- moustaches without beards (whether it be well grown or not)
- rudeness
- acting like he rules the world/he's the coolest

271. Where I want to be right now
At home. (I have been thinking about Christmas a lot over the past week. Like, a lot. A disturbing amount. I get 3 weeks off at Christmas and I'm super excited [47 days till I get to go home for Christmas!] Look, Google knows what I'm asking:
And all this thinking of Christmas and going home is making me miss home. Luckily I get to go home this coming weekend.)

Thursday 23 October 2014


I have been waiting for this gifset

Avengers: Age of Ultron

If you hadn't heard, the new Avengers: Age of Ultron teaser trailer came out yesterday. Originally, it was supposed to come out on Tuesday next week but when a crappy version got leaked on the internet last night, this is how Marvel responded (the bottom tweet came first):
(Hydra is was the bad guys in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.)
But this just shows how the internet has changed the entertainment industry. Marvel knows that once a leaked version is out there, people will hunt it down until they have seen it. So rather than have fans watch an illegally downloaded version, Marvel just decided to release it.
This trailer is just the teaser trailer, which often doesn't reveal much of the storyline and is mainly action scenes, but this one is over two minutes long. This is giving me very high expectations for the real trailer.

Wednesday 22 October 2014


All (ok, most) of my classes are overlapping so much it's ridiculous. I just finished writing a paper about how mobile phones are changing the way we interact with people in the real world. And today I received a new assignment and one of the options to write about is
And did I mention that I got back a different paper I had to do? She said the range of marks went from 70 to 90, most being in the 75-80 range. About 5 people got 70 and only 2 made it up by 90. She was basically giving up a pep talk about how not to beat ourselves up over the mark that we got, and how criticism is a part of the process. She even gave us feed back that she had received on a paper she had written that basically told her to switch professions, to make us feel better. Hearing all this, I was mentally preparing myself for a bad mark. More than that, I was expecting a bad mark. But I got 89 :D So basically at the top of the class. She said she really enjoyed reading my paper. It was a good confidence boost. That paper was worth 10%. But the best part is that with her feedback, we are supposed to revise it and submit it again. She said the only way you could possibly drop your mark was by not handing it in again. Obviously I'm not going to improve a lot, because there wasn't a lot to improve, but the revision is worth 10%, so basically the easiest 9 marks I've ever gotten. I'm feeling good.
But also not good because another assignment was introduced today where I have to come up with a 4-8min long TED Talk about a topic relevant to my field. I am so done with ARBUS. So glad that I don't ever have to take it again.
Also, there's only (basically) a month left of school left, which is blowing my mind. It seems so short, but too long at the same time. Only 63 days till Christmas ;)

Tuesday 21 October 2014

The Arts faculty can't even get an email to show up correctly (once I hit "Show message" because their own emails are flagged as spam).

Sunday 19 October 2014

What Do I Do? (A: Blog)

I have reached that horrible part of the day where I have told myself that I have so much stuff to do that I couldn't possibly have a moment of spare time, but here I am, with apparently nothing to do. I always do this to myself. I'll have an assignment or something to do and I'll say, "this is going to take forever. No goofing off. No free time." But then I get the thing done, and I am just sitting here in the mind set that I don't have free time. I hate it. Especially this time, because I'm working on this paper, and I've broken it down into parts, so I do so much every day. So technically I'm not done yet, but I've finished today's quota. And I really do not want to do more on it. (I'm not going to, that wasn't me asking for your opinion on whether I should do work or not). Maybe I'll go to bed (but *GASP* it's only 9:30!)
I have a full day tomorrow. Quite literally, and in a way that I've never had before. I have class from 10-11:20, then a break till 1 (during which I'm going to do more work on my paper). From 1-2:20 I have class again, then another 1.5hr break (where I will do even more work on my paper). At 4, I have a lab for 1hr20mins. Then I'm going to go buy dinner (because I refuse to carry around a lunch and a dinner all day) then head over to a 3hr practicum starting at 6. And it's probably not a good idea to wear new shoes on a long day, but I'm going to anyway because I really want to wear them. Wish me luck.
On the plus side, there's only 66 days till Christmas, and 54 days till I get to go home for Christmas break! Send me your wish lists now, because I am in the Christmas mood (which kind of sucks because once reality sinks in, I'm going to realize that Christmas is still two months away :( )

269. Turn Ons
(I am going to take this in a non-sexual direction)
- humour
- confidence
- yeah that's all I got
- I don't know!
- do people actually talk about these things?
- I guess it would probably help if I had been in a relationship or something so that I knew what I liked
- he's gotta smell nice

Saturday 18 October 2014

New Media and Digital Culture/Lives has so completely taken over my life that it's even being mentioned in the book I'm reading by Pastor Eugene Cho: Overrated: Are We More in Love with the Idea of Changing the World Than Actually Changing the World? There is no escape.


Tonight I made spaghetti carbonara for dinner. I wasn't sure how it would turn out because it calls for:
- minced garlic
- bacon
- the bacon's grease
- parmesan cheese
And I used:
- garlic powder
- bacon bits
- oil
- lets be serious, what university student has parmesan cheese?
And then there's the whole raw egg bit. But I looked it up and the egg cooks when it hits the hot spaghetti, so I think I'm good. Although you should probably keep an eye out for symptoms of salmonella. Anyways, it turned out really good. Seriously good. Like, wishing I had made more so that I can have more. It will definitely be added to my list of regular meals to make. Yeah. That's all I got to say about that.
I bought these really cute shoes yesterday. I'm calling them my gift to myself to help me get through midterm stress.
I went on a walk this morning. I looked on Google Maps to see if there was a park nearby, and there's one just a couple blocks down. So I headed in that direction, only to find the intersection closed for construction. So I had to talk a detour. I eventually did make it to the park, but by that point, I had walked so far that I didn't actually spend too much time in the park, but started trying to make my way back. On the way back I stopped by a store kind of like the old Toy Shoppe of London, but with stuff for collectors as well (like baseball cards, comics, etc). I saw this game called Concept that looks like it would be fun to play. It's about trying to get people to guess a word or a phrase by giving them pictures and colours. (e.g. if the word was "bee", you would give them "yellow", "black", "animal", "small", and "flying"). It seems like it would be fun. The phrases would obviously be much harder.
Now I have to go write another 2 pages for my Digital Culture paper. If anybody has any advice about writing introduction paragraphs, let me know.

268. Age you get mistaken for?
OH HOW I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW! I've always been really curious about this. And you can't ask people who know you, because they take your actual age into account. From people at camp the oldest I got was 23.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Food Preparations

I've decided that timing the preparations of all parts of a meal to be ready at the same time is a skill that cannot be learned. Also, don't eat spaghetti with your laptop in front of you.

267. Favourite Song Ever.
"Ever" is a very strong term. It's probably Ordinary Miracle by Sarah McLachlan from Charlotte's Web.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

How I Procrastinate

You should go listen to Wikipedia.

I got my exam schedule today, and I'm going to be finished on Dec 13th, which means I get 3 weeks off at Christmas! Woot woot I'm so excited! I can't wait to make gingerbread! I love gingerbread :)

264. Favourite Sport(s)

265. Favourite Memory
Wow. That's a big one. I have no idea. The first thing that pops into my mind is going on my first cruise (see QOTD #73). That was pretty intense. Also getting my acceptance letter to UWaterloo was pretty awesome.

266. Relationship status
Single (and maybe loving it??)

Thursday 9 October 2014


I was going through my downloads folders to clear out the stuff I don't need anymore and I came across a number of gifs that I have no recollection of ever needing.
I don't



Tuesday 7 October 2014

Smorgasbord of Thoughts

The "Fund Heather's Halloween Costume Fund" can be found here*.

261. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
1. Work for myself/start a business/company
2. Start a family
3. Be someone's role model

263. Favourite Comedian(s)
Jim Gaffigan, Bill Cosby

Also, check out Ed Sheeran's new music video:

Sunday 5 October 2014

you can find the pillow here:
I want the Sherlock Holmes one. The promotional code sale thing is: HEATERS

The pillow I want is on sale but it's STILL TOO EXPENSIVE

Saturday 4 October 2014

Glasses or No Glasses?

As requested, celebrities with and without glasses.

Dis is my prof!
DC Comics apologizes for sexist clothing

Oct 3

Today I went to see Crazy For You at Festival Theatre in Stratford. It was really really good. And so funny! My type of humour: sass, snappy, quick witted. It was beautiful. One of them was two guys standing beside each other and one says, "...well you're pretty close to an idiot!" And so the other guy steps back. I was laughing so much. One of the scenes was two guys that were dressed the same being drunk and it was hilarious. I think the season is basically done now, but I would highly suggest going to see it. (10/10, would recommend to a friend). One of the friends I went with tweeted about it and Stratford Festival replied to her saying, "What a great way to start the weekend, see you soon". And then after the show, one of the actors favourited her tweet, so that was pretty cool.
But now I'm back to the grind...I have so much work to do this weekend.

261. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
I do not have the brain power right now to answer this question.

262. Favourite Actress
It's between Emma Stone and Jennifer Lawrence.

Friday 3 October 2014

Hashtag This

I don't know if you guys would have seen this at all, but my english professor, Aimee Morrison, has been in the news a lot recently over a tweet about sexist baby onesies; check it out here. She says that she's done about 10 interviews in the past week. She's pretty cool, I really like her as a professor. (I'm wondering if this post will show up if you search her now? Hopefully not...) Jeopardy also recently had a sexist moment, with a category called "What Women Want" (and the answers were not "What is equality?")

In other news, I can't believe another week is done and I can't believe how much work I have to do over the next 3 days. I'm going to Stratford tomorrow with a couple of friends to see Crazy For You at Festival Theatre.
Last year in our ARBUS 200 class, it became a bit of a tradition in my group of friends for one of us to buy a box of Oreos to eat during class. This week while I was at the grocery store, I walked by some Oreos, and they were on sale, so I bought some to take to class. Then my one friend said (in our ARBUS 300 class), "You know what guys, I think the reason this class sucks more than last year is because we don't have cookies." And I thought to myself, "Perfect. This couldn't be more perfect!" So I reached into my bag and pulled out that box of Oreos. The look on my friend's face was great. She cried out in that way that she does, she was so happy and excited. It was a great moment. (That, my friends, is why we share. It makes you feel so good inside).
Also, my mom got Facebook, which is not only something I thought would never happen, but really funny to think about. (love ya, Mom)

259. Most embarrassing moment.
This might not be my most embarrassing moment, but it's the first one that came to mind (okay, then maybe it is my most embarrassing moment...) When I was a camper at FCC, I went horseback riding. Dallas was leading my horse. I had gone around and was back at the fence, ready to get off. Dallas told me to lean forward and slide my leg over, so I did that. However, as I started to slide off, still leaning forward, my bra got caught on the horn of the saddle. So I was hanging off the side of a horse with my shirt stretched up around the horn of the saddle. I had to climb back up and unhook it. -_-

260. Favourite subject
One would hope that it would be business or digital arts...but it's fine arts (and art history).