
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Class, Lozenges and Geese, Oh My!

Ok, so I woke up with a sore throat this morning. All day I've been coughing and drinking water and peeing like never before because of all the water. Anyways, I just went to International News, a convenience store on campus. When I walked in I saw all the typical chips and candy that usually accompany the fridges full of pop. But there was things that were obviously directed at university students. Things such as Red Bulls and Rockstars. Coffee and chocolate. "STUDENT FRIENDLY PRICING" signs. There were these chocolate bars that advertised the fact that they had caffeine in them. News flash: chocolate already contains caffeine. I guess they just put more in? Anyways, I was worried I wasn't going to find cough drops. So after walking around the entire store (which is about the size of two dorm rooms), just as I was about to give up on them having any, I see them. A tiny little stand on the counter, almost hidden by a glass panel with ad stickers on it: there it was. Three tiny boxes half-full with Fisherman's Friend Lozenges. Target located, I deliberated on which flavour to get, cherry, mint or citrus (all of which are sucrose free), I choose cherry. I pay the cashier $2.25 for a package the size of my credit card (if I had one) and leave the building: mission completed. As I walk away with my little package, I think to how $2.25 for 22 lozenges doesn't seem like STUDENT FRIENDLY PRICING to me. Sorry about the dramatics, just felt like doing a bit of creative writing. Anyways. I was really tired this morning because my roommate didn't turn the lights off till after 1am. I asked her if this was going to be a normal thing. To my dismay, she said yes. So I asked her if she would consider doing whatever it was that she was doing in a lounge or in the Great Hall so that I could get some sleep. She asked if I could get a sleep mask, which is fair, but where do you buy a sleep mask? I did try tying a bandana over my eyes last night to block out the light but it was not soft and very annoying. Maybe a proper sleep mask would be better. (Theres a birthday gift idea for you all, a sleep mask. But not one with any stupid image on the front).  Because I was so tired, I took a nap this morning after Italian. ARBUS (Principles of Entrepreneurship) was not bad except for the fact that I was sitting on a metal folding chair for 3 HOURS. Brutal. The plus side is that he basically told stories the entire time and that class ended an hour early. See, it's a 3 hour lecture with an hour long practicum immediately after. However, the practicum will be used for group work to be completed, he won't be teaching anything. But since it's the first day and we don't have any assignments yet, we didn't need to stay. Talk about brightening my dreary day. Literally, it was pouring during class but it stopped just as we were dismissed.
I would like to introduce you to some of my new neighbours:

This is outside my bedroom window. The geese are everywhere. And I mean everywhere. They are in the fields, grassy areas, the pathways, the roads, basically everywhere that you will be, there will be geese. I'm not even kidding, the Waterloo clothing store has t-shirts that say "I survived nesting season" with a picture of a goose. Another one says "They know where you park.". They even have goose stuffed animals. No joke, these geese are a big deal here at UWaterloo. But man are they annoying, honking all the time, crapping all over the place. You get my drift.


  1. That roommate thing is ridiculous! Is she studying or just fooling around?. Either way...in my humble opinion she shouldn't be allowed to keep the light on...you were right to ask her to do it somewhere else. I'm sorry she's so inconsiderate! Good grief! Do i have to come down there and explain the roommate rules to her? You could try threatening her with that! Ha!

  2. Replies
    1. View as in perspective or view as in out my window?
