
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 12 September 2013

I Went For A Walk...

Very generously, I was given a cheque for my birthday (only 4 more days!) so I decided, since I don't have any classes today, that I would go cash that cheque. Now I know what you're thinking, she doesn't have any classes today? Well, usually I do. It is an hour long Italian lab. However, since we've learned basically nothing, there is no lab this week. I still plan on going over some stuff though. Anyways, I looked up the nearest ATM for my bank and saw that there was one in the plaza just down the road. I though, this is going to be a quicker trip than I thought, not that I was complaining. So I get my stuff together, debate for 5mins whether I should bring an umbrella (I decided to) and head off. I was slightly worried that I wouldn't be able to find it because it's not a branch, just an ATM. But the ATM has it's own little building and was easily visible. I wait my turn in line (hear the other customers complain about being from a different bank fees) and eventually it's my turn. I walk up, noticing that these ATMs are a lot newer and fancier than others I've seen. I put in my card and pin and the first thing it asks me is "How much would you like to withdraw?" None, I think to myself. As I look around, I see that these supposedly fancier machines don't have envelopes at the side and in fact do not allow you to deposit anything. They only allow you to withdraw. Feeling slightly crushed and at a loss for what to do, I head back outside. On the bank map I remember seeing that there was a branch just a little further down the road. So, since I had nothing to do, I start walking. I knew what street the branch was on so I had some idea of where I was going but I didn't know what building number it was. After walking by a couple main intersections, I start to get worried. I still haven't seen the street I'm looking for. I'm concerned I'm walking in the wrong direction or that I somehow missed it. And then, just my luck, it starts raining. But maybe it was my luck, because I had my umbrella and it wasn't raining very hard. Bit windy though. Eventually I see the street in the distance. Excited that I'm almost there (since it's already been a approx. hour walk) I realize that the branch is not on the street corner, nor can I see it down the road. Not wanting to stand there like a lost idiot I decide to cross the road and just start walking. Lucky choice, because soon after I can see the bank sign. I can also see Burrito Boyz, a restaurant my youth group went to while in Waterloo for OFLO13. I approach the branch, only to realize that there is a fence around the building and I have to walk around to the other side. So, after walking 3km wearing knock-off Toms, carrying a wet umbrella, I finally am in the branch. I deposit that cheque like never before. But as I'm standing there, I realize how tired I am and how sore my feet are. (Now before you comment on my poor shoe choice, remember, I thought this was going to be a quick jog around the corner. ) I decide that I'll treat my self to the Starbuck on the corner and sit down. I get a grande Chai Tea Latte and grab a seat outside. I sit there for about 15 mins before heading off again. This time, I take it easy and walk slowly (usually I am a fast walker) and I enjoy my latte along the way. When I am walking by the ATM that I first went (so almost home) I start to get sick of my latte. It's just too sweet. So, despite there still being a couple sips left, I throw the drink away. I make it back to my room, feet very tired and sore. At least now I know how far it is to get there. The trip all together was almost 2 hours. And now I'm here, telling you all about it.