
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 23 September 2013

Posters Make Me Happy and My Room Prettier!

Since I don't have Adobe Illustrator, which I need for an assignment I'm working on, I thought I'd search out the lab on campus that does have it. Of course, it would be in the building that is on the exact opposite end of campus from me. So I packed up my laptop and camera and hiked across campus. Only to discover that a professor had booked the lab and I would not be able to use it. It looks like there is a time when I can use it tomorrow, but using this lab is going to be more difficult than I thought. My back hurt by the time I got back. Cameras and laptops are heavier than they appear. Renison, the building I live in is also the home of Waterloo's East Asian Studies and there is currently an East Asian Festival going on. The floors have been challenged to fold the most paper cranes. The prize is sushi for the floor. At first I didn't think my floor was actually going to try but then our don said that we were. So I was folding paper cranes in all my free time today. I've folding over 30 so far. We have until the 26th to hand them in. It's one of those things where you think you're doing well but there's probably somebody on a floor somewhere that has been folding cranes non-stop. Oh well. My hands are getting sore.

This week there is a poster sale in the SLC building. Some of my friends were going and invited me. I said I'd go but wasn't planning on buying any because posters can be pretty expensive. I took my wallet though just in case. They had tons of different posters: tv shows, bands, singers, quotes, art, typical poster things (like the Periodic Table). I was shocked. They had them set up in these zig zag rows. It was a little intimidating. The posters also varied in size. Most were standard poster size, but they had little ones, medium ones, skinny and long ones. And some that were huge. I'm talking 45+ inches across. And they were basically all under $24. That's how much the huge ones cost. If I had room, I would have bought a huge Starry Night print. The standard sized ones were $8-12. I was impressed. I ended up buying three. Two are small and one is long and skinny:

I love them. I bought them with some money I got for my birthday. I love them! They make me so happy. There was a Sherlock one, but I didn't like the design really. Shame.  One of the friends I went with was having trouble deciding which ones to get so she's going to sleep on it. She also wanted to measure how much wall space she had. There is a lot of wall space (relatively speaking, of course) but it's all very broken up, there isn't a lot of big spaces for posters. That's one of the reasons I got smaller ones.
I am going to see how many more paper cranes I can fold and then go to bed. I am going to try going to bed at a more regular time. I have a really hard time falling asleep here. It doesn't help that my roommate has gotten into the habit of staying out late. It's not like she's out partying or anything, she's studying or working. Sometimes I don't see her all day. But she'll come in and see that I've already gone to bed. And proceed to turn the light on and do various things. I'm ok with her turning the light on briefly to get ready for bed but then she needs to turn it off. She usually ends up doing more work. I'll have to talk to her about lights out again.

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