
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 8 September 2013

It's Been A While

Soooooo..... The reason I haven't been posting is because I have been busy and lazy. One of the reason is because I SMASH about a lot of stuff, so I don't think about it again generally, which results in me not blogging about it.  But I'll try and keep posting, because I enjoy having a blog. Also, it let's you know what's going on in my life (aka, it's for the parents!). First off, having a bucket of candy in my room is not good. I have been eating way too much of it. That's another thing, I always take a lot of food at meals because it's buffet style. I need to watch what I'm eating.  I had printed off some photos and have now put them up on my wall. I'll need to print off some more. I was complained to by my family about the fact that I currently don't have any family photos. As a floor we just did a dance/airband act in front of the residence. It was very last minute. And I mean very last minute.  We didn't place, but we did get an honourable mention.  I am almost done reading The Help. I have been wanting to finish it for a while because I don't have much time to read at camp. But now I really want to finish it because I have Inferno by Dan Brown waiting on my shelf.  I love Brown's book. My first class is tomorrow at 9. I have Italian.  Don't ask me why I'm taking Italian. But I actually need to go to bed at a decent time so that I am awake during class. I haven't gone to bed before midnight any day this week. So long for now!

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