
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 16 September 2013

(I don't even know what to call this post)

As a person who worked with kids all summer, I am used to seeing un-flushed toilets. Not necessarily any less grossed out, but used to it. After a few weeks, you get over it. Then you need to become the flusher, especially as staff. If the staff aren't going to flush it, who will right? So you get over yourself and flush the toilet. I still went and used a different stall, but at least now somebody else will use it. No big deal, once you get over the thought. However, I did not think that I would have to put up with that situation once I moved away to university. On an almost daily basis, I will walk into the bathroom and see that one of the toilets is not flushed. So being the nice person that I am, I flush it. But the thing that bothers me the most is that we are all over the age of 17. ARE WE NOT CAPABLE OF FLUSHING THE TOILET? I can understand how a kid might forget, but I mean come on. We are paying thousands of dollars to be here and get an education, yet we don't seem to be capable of FLUSHING TOILETS.
On a completely different note, my birthday was pretty awesome. It wasn't anything extravagant, but that's the way I like things. My mom drove up and we spent the afternoon in St Jacobs. It's a nice little town. You'll have to ask me sometime about a store called Pink Papayas. St Jacobs must have a thing about sock monkeys. They were in a majority of the stores we went in. The first one I saw I pointed out and said that I've always wanted a sock monkey. Then we kept seeing them and it was kind of weird. We ended up going back to the original store (my mom wanted some turkish delight) and she bought me the sock monkey. So here I am world, 18 years old with my first sock monkey and I couldn't be happier. Well, you get what I'm saying. I'm pretty excited about the little guy. I don't know what his name is going to be yet, or if he'll even get a name. I also got one of these:
(apparently they're called husband pillows...?). Mine is green and fuzzy. It is really nice for sitting on my bed with. There is a fairly substantial gap between my bed and the wall and my pillows always fell down. This works much better. Also, it matches my quilt :) I really like the whole colour scheme I've got going on in my room. Well, on my bed, the rest of the room is just...whiteish.
Anyways, I got back from dinner and was just sitting on my bed surfing the internet. I was doing that for about an hour when I thought, "It is my 18th birthday. I am officially 18 and I'm here looking at pins of Sherlock fandom stuff. What is my life right now."  So I called my friend who lives in the residence next door and said, "Do you want a cupcake?" (My mom brought some up for me :) ). But when she answered, it sounded like my BFFLAAT, which was not who I was intending to call. I thought maybe I had selected the wrong name, but I'll keep talking and maybe she'll start to sound more like herself. But it kept sounding like my BFFLAAT. I asked her about the cupcake, but I was still thinking it was my BFFLAAT and I thought, "What am I doing? She's hours away you can't offer her a cupcake!" Then my friend on the phone said come on over, so I knew I had called the right person. But during the entire phone call I thought it was my BFFLAAT. (Who I wish I could've offered a cupcake to!). I talked to my friend for a while, which was good. A much better way to spend one's 18th birthday than sitting alone in their dorm room. Overall, it was a pretty good birthday. I would mention the lack of presents, but I got my sock monkey and my pillow, so I'm happy. (I was going to write "I'm all good" but then I thought my dad might take it the wrong way and hold it against me and say that I said I didn't need any more presents).

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