
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 9 September 2013

I Guess You Could Say I'm Officially A University STUDENT Now

So, I guess you could say this marks the beginning of my "mini" weekend. I have an Italian class on Monday 9-10:20AM. I don't have another class until Wednesday at 9AM, so it's a good chunk of time off. It's almost too bad that my first Italian class isn't on Tuesday afternoon. That way, if I was going home for the weekend, I could stay for Monday as well.  Speaking of class, I JUST HAD MY FIRST EVER UNIVERSITY LECTURE. And half of it was spoken in Italian. When the prof came in he started speaking in Italian and my thoughts were somewhat along these lines: "OH GOD (I know, I know, don't use the Lord's name in vain but it was MY FIRST EVER UNIVERSITY LECTURE and I was panicking a little) I HAVE MADE A MAJOR MISTAKE THIS ISN'T A BEGINNERS COURSE HE EXPECTS US TO KNOW ITALIAN OH CRAP I'M GOING TO LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT MAYBE I SHOULD DROP THE CLASS WAIT THEN WHAT OTHER LANGUAGE AM I GOING TO TAKE? DUTCH? FRENCH? LOLNOPE." That may have been a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much. In the end, the prof did say that it is a beginners course and when he asked, only one person has Italian experience. It is not a very big class, I'm guessing only about 35-40 of us. I now know how to ask you your name in Italian. Fun Fact: the direct translation of asking your name in Italian is "what are you called?" I could tell you that I also know how to tell you my name, but I forget and I'm too lazy to go look it up in my notes.  I'm planning on doing a review of everything he told us later on. Maybe while I'm waiting for laundry to wash/dry. I am going to attempt laundry today. I've done it before, but always just after my mom has told me what to do. Also, I have no drying rack and I am nervous about putting some things in the dryer. I'll get back to you on how that goes. I am 92% done The Help, so close!!!!!!! I wanna finish it tonight.

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