
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 26 September 2013


After all the (wo)man hours we put into making those paper cranes, we lost. Another floor had approx 50 more cranes than we did. I think in the end we had ~420 paper cranes. And now we don't get the sushi platter. The more depressing thing to think about is how many hours of my life did I just waste making paper cranes, all for nothing? Well, I wouldn't say nothing. I'm closer with some of the other girls on the floor from when we had paper crane folding parties. I'm happy about that. I don't know if I ever told you guys, but one of the girls on my floor has a double room to herself. Her roommate just never showed up. But now she has a roommate. A girl from the floor above us was annoyed by the hours people were keeping on her floor. I guess they were really loud or something. Anyways, she's moving onto out floor now. I, personally, would be annoyed, because I had gotten used to having a room to myself, and not I don't. I guess it's fair though. It wasn't fair that she got a room to herself to begin with. Ah well. I have crossed 4 out of 7 things off my to-do list today. Unfortunately, two of the three left I am not looking forward to at all.  One of the things is just to print off pictures, which is easy. I'm trying to do them in order of importance though, cause otherwise things would never get done. I was playing guitar again today and got another compliment! but my fingers are really sore. I need to stop playing for so long at one time. While I was playing, I was sitting on my leg/foot. When I went to stand up it felt like I had a cast on. I could only feel a part of my heel. I was banging it against the ground and felt nothing, but I could hear that is was really loud. It felt heavy. It took over 5 mins for it to go back to normal. (And it was a very painful 5 mins).

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are making friends and having some fun. Bet you wish your roommate didn't show up - ha! Hope that gets better soon.
