
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 26 September 2013


My floor just watched the movie Bridesmaids. And after all the commotion after it first came out, I was expecting great things. I knew it was one of those movies that wasn't really that great, but was so funny that it didn't even matter. But I have to admit, I was sorely disappointed. I don't know, maybe I just wasn't in the right mood, but I did not find the movie entertaining. Maybe it was built up too much and I was just expecting too much. There were some funny moments, but not funny enough to even remember. I don't know what the last number of paper cranes I'd folded was, but I have now folded over 80 cranes. I have to admit, they are starting to lose their charm. I still love my really big one. Maybe tomorrow I'll get around to posting some pictures. I made a paper crane family :)
The school work is starting to pour in and I really need to sit down tomorrow and get stuff done. I keep panicking because for some reason I'm just really messed up with my dates right now. I keep thinking that it is later than it actually is. Not that that means I'm going to delay working, but I just don't need to be putting so much stress on myself. Today in astronomy we were assigned two assignment that involve tracking stars. We get to use telescopes (which look really funny, I'll have to take a picture when I get a chance to use it) and maybe even the observatory. But it means sitting out in the cold and the dark. I'm not going to be alone though, my friend is in the same class and we are allowed to work in groups so we are doing it together. Today during my break between classes I played guitar. I decided since it was so nice out that I would play outside. I actually played just outside my bedroom window, but it was nice to have a change of scenery. And to let you all know, I was complimented twice, thank you very much! But my back hurt after from leaning over my guitar. I am going through my iTunes library and seeing which songs I can play. That's a big thing for me, being able to play a song that I enjoy.

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