
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Friday 30 March 2012

Sibling Rivalry

I realized today that people read my blog.  I mean, I know that people read it, but I never thought about the fact that you would then know everything I talked about.  Like when I'm talking to a reader of my blog, I'll talk about something I'd blogged about, not realizing that they already knew that.  Then they'll say, "Yeah, I read that on your blog."  And it's like, what? I just never thought about people reading my blog and then actually remembering what I said.  Anywho, yeah.  My sister is currently watching TV (a really stupid show about 9 year-old's dancing like slaves. Not dancing like slaves, but the teacher is unreasonably strict) but I'm also listening to music.  She's mad at me, but I'm not turning my music off.  But it's making it hard to write with all this noise going on.  But I'm still not turning my music off.  Because that's what siblings do to each other. And now she's freaking out about something and looking at me like I should know what's going.  Obviously I don't.  Wow, she keeps laughing and it's really annoying.

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