
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 3 April 2012

(I can never think of a title...)

Today is an okay day.  Biology was just another chance to watch our student teacher struggle to teach our class.  Computer science brought on the usual challenges of figuring out why the program won't run, but this time with the code due tomorrow.  In T and T, my BFFLAAT and I had to do a presentation that we finished during lunch. Now before you rat on me about leaving it till the last minute, the internet wasn't working in the classroom so we couldn't do our research in there but none of the other computers in the school available to us have Microsoft PowerPoint.  So, bit of a dilemma.  But we got it done in time, we just didn't have a chance to really go over the presenting part.  But I think it went okay.  I never thought I would ever hear a song that has these words in it: Buzz Lightyear, fondue, swag and swaggie that was an iTunes top song.  Amazing how much impact the singer can have on a song.  DW isn't scheduled to come out till late this year, which is going to throw everything off.  It usually show Jan-Apr, then Aug-Nov (approx).  Then they do a Christmas Special that ties the two seasons together (kind of).  But now they want to start the season late this year. What's going to happen to the Christmas special? Are they still going to have it, but just be random in the middle of the season or, gasp, will there not be a Christmas special?!? I can't believe I even thought that.

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