
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 25 June 2012

So Close

Only one more exam to go: functions.  This will be my hardest one.  This morning I had my computer science exam. It was only 4 pages, single-sided.  That is very short.  I think I did fairly well, except on one question where I drew a blank.  I dislike having a weekend in between exams because I think oh, I'm done exams, I don't have to do anything. WRONG!  And you really don't want to do any studying.  But now I am so close to saying done for real.  After my exam tomorrow, I'm going my BFFLAAT's house to tie dye some t-shirts.  Then I'm going up to camp for high ropes training.  I'm kind of worried about this.  Not about the actual training, but the time slots.  First of all, I don't know when the time slots are. Second of all, the assistant camp director was saying that she thinks that training won't go past 4pm. So what am I going to do? I know that the wranglers are up there, and I think that maybe one of the counselors is already up there, but I don't want to be bugging them all the time.  So I'm taking lots of stuff up to entertain me. It's starting to sink in now that this is it, literally.  I'm sure I've told you this before, but after I get back from training on Friday, I pack and then am back up at camp for the rest of the summer.  Adios, amigos!  I've started to gt stuff together that I need to take up.  Tomorrow is Amy and Rory's 2nd wedding anniversary, it says so on my Doctor Who calendar.  I'm really sad, because the writers of DW said that they're going to be killed off this season. I really like them.  This will be their third season, which I guess is the average span of time that someone spends with the Doctor.  Speaking of which, I've been watching series 1 of DW, my friend lent it to me.  I don't like this actor as much, thankfully he only did one season. I really hope I like the next actor, because he did 4 seasons!  
The scenario here is that the world just ended (kind of) but the Doctor is on the wrong side of the "wall".  By being on the wrong side, everybody forgets him.  The lady who walks by the window is River Song, a friend of the Doctor's, and the blue book is River's.  Then Amy starts remembers, and well, you can see the rest. :)

Thursday 21 June 2012


And for the record, I got 27 out of 26 on my Travel and Tourism test.  (the one where there was the bonus question about Mr. Darling's food opinions, see Good Day).

So Close...

It's been awhile.  Yesterday was the last day of classes.  But that means that it's exams.  I'm only worried about math really.  I didn't have an exam today, but I have two tomorrow.  I ended up going to school still though because Battleship is still not done.  It was originally due yesterday, but our teacher decided to give us until before our exam on Monday morning.  So me and my friend spent three hours this morning trying to get it to work.  Our problem right now is that we can attack the computer, but we can't get the computer to attack back.  There is serious reason for PANIC.  I really don't know where this is going to go.  Either we will find the problem and feel so stupid for missing it or we will never find out why it doesn't work.  I'm not at all worried about my exams tomorrow, travel and tourism and biology.  I have a lot going on in the next week.  Two exams tomorrow. I don't think I have anything Saturday, but I need to start getting stuff together for camp. I need to buy a storage unit for my clothes. I also need to buy more shorts.  Probably the same thing on Sunday.  And studying, obviously.  And trying to figure out Battleship.  Then Monday I have my computer science exam in the morning. I'll study for math in the afternoon.  Do more studying Tuesday morning, then write my math exam that afternoon.  On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I'm off to camp for training about high ropes.  Saturday I pack, then I'm off to camp on Sunday.  (this is the high ropes at camp that I'm going to be working on all summer[that's the climbing wall in the background]).

Friday 15 June 2012

It's The Thought That Counts

So as I was walking home today I noticed some blue ribbons tied around people's trees, etc.  I was trying to think of what they were for. I know that when a soldier dies we tie yellow ribbons, but I couldn't think for the life of me what a blue ribbon meant.  Today my brother came home and he had one.  The school is sending them home with kids for them to show support for one of the teachers.  It was recently found out that her 4 year old son has leukemia (I think it's leukemia, but don't hold me to it).  I think that is such a nice thing to do for her and her family.  I really hope that this moves her family (not literally, but emotionally) because I'm feeling pretty moved and I'm not even involved.  I'm reading a book right now and in it it says, "Perhaps the Fates are people like us...ordinary souls who've found themselves caught up in the battle between good and evil, and have chosen to take a stand and help do what's right.  Small things that take just a moment to do, yes, but that could add up, in the end, to make an enormous difference to someone. " I think it is fitting for the situation.  On another note, we got our yearbooks today.  The theme was fairytales...I think? It's all about castles and dragons and kings and queens and stuff.  So far it seems good.  The one thing that drives me up the wall is when they give somebody the wrong name. It's like, is it impossible to get people's names right?  There are only 1080 people including staff in the school.  Is it really that hard? When I'm 90 (yes I will live that long) how am I supposed to be expected to remember everyone? I'll trust the yearbook, WHICH IS WRONG!!!  Ugh, that is my pet peeve of the month.  (I have so many pet peeves, I name one every month).

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Sorry About That...

...I had a little bit of a breakdown last night.
Anywho, putting that behind us, have you ever tried not using your mouse?  How far can you go with just using the button on your keyboard? Can you check all your favourite websites? Can you send an email? Could you even play a game? I've gotten this far, from turning on the computer to opening firefox to getting to my blog and writing a post.  I think that's pretty impressive.  I even checked my email on the way in.  Email is hard though, lots of tabbing and going through and almost making it and then pressing the tab button one too many times and having to go through it all again.  You should try it out.  Who knew you would depend so much on a mouse?  Hehe, that was a funny sentence.  As a part of the core staff at FCC this summer, you are required to run a craft during the mornings and afternoons.  I wanted to do either high ropes or rock climbing.  I got high ropes and I'm really excited.  The only thing is is that you have to do some training in order to be certified to operate the ropes.  Last year when I was just a CIT and I helped out with high ropes I just got a quick lesson from one of the counselors on how to do it.  But I guess since I'll be doing it all summer I should be certified.  Speaking of certified, over the weekend we did first aid training, mainly CPR.  It is a 16-hour long course, but we did it in 2.  It was a really watered down version mainly focusing on CPR.  But we still get the full certification.  The ambulance driver/nurse who taught it to us was kind of funny. "The short and dirty reality is that if someone goes into cardiac arrest they have 10 minute.  From the station I'm positioned at, it takes me 15 minutes to get here." Ok then, great to know.  I hope no campers go into cardiac arrest.  We used a defibrillator on a dummy.   Ugh, a shut down to install updates window just popped up and I couldn't get out of it without using the mouse.  Guess that's as far as I got.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Under The Microscope

I just got my hair cut and I don't like it. I should have gotten layers like I have in the past. Over the weekend while at the core staff training weekend we talked about the things the devil might be trying to do in us and to drive us away from God. One of the thing we talked about was that we shouldn't try and impress other people and that's one of the ways the devil gets to us. I said I would try and not do that. I don't think I did that too much before, but them I remember all the time I say 'it doesn't matter' because I just want the person to be happy. I think that might be different though. But I know sometimes I would stand in front of the mirror in the morning for a while trying to think if my outfit worked. I'm not super fashionable, but I don't think I'm a bad dresser. But I would be trying to impress. I was looking in thee mirror at my hair and realized how ugly my knees are. And after I thought that I shouldn't be critizing myself because I am a beautiful young lady that has so much potential in life. I regret cutting my hair. I regret critizing myself because I know it is wrong. I was created in God's image. I'm sure at some point I'll regret telling you this but I'm trying to be more open and honest about things. I've just reread what I've written and it doesn't express what I'm feeling. I'm crying right now. I don't know what to do and I'm so confused. This is the first time ever my period has come early. I'm so stressed right now with school. I have a math test tomorrow which I think I should do good on. I'm just trying to think positive and work on praying everyday and trying to read the bible. We talked about summer goals at camp and two of them had to be spiritual. I'm happy they did that because I've never had a spiritual goal before and I think I will be good for me. Before when I tried reading the bible I just read it and thought that was good enough. Over the weekend I realized that wasn't enough and that I needed to actually absorb and think about what I was reading. I'd like to get a book about reading the bible and personal devotions. Over the weekend some of the people shares their testimonies. I have always loved hearing testimonies. Whenever I started to fall away from God I would think about their testimonies and remember just how amazing He is. They really help me better understand God. Although I think I've come to terms with the fact that I will never truely and fully understand Him. I need to go to bed now.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Heather's How To Determine If Your Short Shorts Are Too Short

 First of all, if you have to question it, they are too short. But here we go:
1. If they do not cover your bum, they are too short. 
2. If you can see your underwear, they are too short.
3. If the overall length of the fabric is shorter than your hand, they are too short. 
4. If the pockets stick out the bottom, they are too short.
5. If you have to keep pulling them down in fear of exposure, they are too short.

Pet Peeve: Some clothing companies know that their shorts are ridiculously short so they use patterned fabric for the pocket so that it's 'pretty'.  Disgusting.

Monday 4 June 2012


Earlier I thought of somebody else to add to my list but now that I've come around to actually posting, I can't remember.  Geez, I think there is something wrong with the 'b' button on our keyboard.  How annoying.  I'm kind of stressed out right now about exams and camp.  I don't know why I'm stressed about camp, it should be something to be excited about.  But exams are only 18 days away.  I don't have any exams on the first day of exams but then I have two on the second day, Travel and Tourism and Biology. Speaking of biology, we start a rat dissection tomorrow.  Great fun. I don't think I'll have to do any cutting though because my friends in my group are pretty excited about it.  I have my computer science exam on the third day which happens to be a Monday.  We just started working on our final project, my friend and I decided to do Battleship.  I hope we can get it done.  My friend wants to add all these features because the more features, the more marks, but I have to keep telling her, lets get the basic game going and then if we have time we can add more on.  It's going to be difficult.  And then last but not least (unfortunately) I have math on the last afternoon of exams.  Then 5 days later I'm off to camp.  Everything is coming up so fast.  I have a lot of stuff to get for camp that I still need.  Not to mention that there is a camp training weekend this weekend so I won't be able to study then. And I'm going to Canada's Wonderland the next Saturday with my youth group.  That will probably be the last outing I have in a long time.  The weeks of camp go from Sunday afternoon till Friday night, every week of summer.  So we have Saturdays off, and those will most likely be spent catching up on sleep.  I might not post for a while because I'm studying and then you will be lucky if I post over the summer. So maybe goodbye. Actually, I have those 5 days after exams and before camp, I'll probably be back.
6. Josh Hutcherson
This isn't who I was thinking of, but I'm going to add him.  He was in THE HUNGER GAMES, what more do you want out of a guy? :D  Seriously though. He's cute, too.

Friday 1 June 2012

My Top 5 Men

So I decided that I would show you my top 5 men in the world. (these are in no particular order).

1. Benedict Cumberbatch
He plays Sherlock on BBC, and is down right awesome.  It's really easy to make fun of him with his fashion choices but he has these really awesome sparkly shoes.  And he's a natural ginger.  Enough said.  (I'm going to keep talking anyways). I'm not sure what he's doing in the middle picture, it kind of looks like he is giving you the middle finger. But I like the jacket.  Too bad a photo shoot stylist probably picked it out for him.  And would you look at him at the BAFTA's. :) (love the carpet by the way)

2. Robert Downey Jr.
Iron Man and Sherlock at the same time. And might I say mighty fine even though he's 47. Is that kind of sad? At least I'm not the only one, my friend likes him too.  I like him with longer hair and with his awesome Iron Man beard. And no glasses.  Do you like him as a blond? I'm not sure which I like better. At first I was like, no way man. But it's kind of growing on me. Really growing on me. 
 3. Shiloh Fernandez
I think he was in a movie based Robin Hood or something that we watched in English once. He's a lot hotter in this picture than he ever was in the movie but I was looking to see who the director of the movie was and saw another picture of him and was like, whoa, that movie does not do him justice.  Also very mighty fine.
 4. Zac Efron
I didn't really like him in HSM (1, 2, or 3) but now that he's in other movies (he is actually done so many now it's kind of scary) he's pretty awesome.  As one a certain someone (who is a fully grown woman) once said, "He has grown up in a nice way." I couldn't agree more.  I only like this hair style though. 

5. Matt Smith
I would never want to be with him, he's a little awkward and maybe a bit too gangly but I had to add him because he plays Doctor Who.  He kind of has that boy-next-door kind of look to him.

I would add my father, but this is more of a crush-never-going-to-meet-and-no-chance-of-actually-being-with-them kind of list, so yeah. :)