
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 6 April 2014

Real Fruit

Something I learned in my international business class is that there are companies named things like "Real Fruit" and "Natural Flavours". Now, from a design point of view, one would wonder why such simple names? Nobody is going to notice you with a name like that! Well, my dear friends, that is precisely the point. Companies name themselves these simple terms because they often appear on packaging, meant to lure us, the customers, in with the appeal of "real" food, and not chemicals. This way, a food producing company can use the products from the company "Real Fruit" and then label their package "Contains Real Fruit!". Except our definition of real fruit and their definition of real fruit differ greatly. Who knows, maybe the company "Real Fruit" actually uses real fruit. But between you and me, if they have to use that name and that marketing strategy, then it probably isn't real fruit. This is why it is so important to do research and not just believe everything you see.

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