
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 5 April 2014


There's a girl walking around on the "field" outside my window and it's really throwing me off. I keep hearing her footsteps as she tramps around in all the dead leaves. Sometimes she comes really close to my window. I don't think she realizes that I'm there, and she definitely does not know that my window is open and I can hear everything she's saying:
- she's done with exams on the 14th (just like me)
- her friend goes back to work in a couple weeks (I go to camp in a month)
- her exam is based of stuff they went over in class (...duh)
Completely oblivious. I just stared at her for a solid minute. Nothing. She also cannot stand still to save her life. I should point out that while it is close to a door to Renison, this "field" is not exactly close to any paths or anything. It makes me wonder why she choose there. Ha. Probably because she didn't think she would be heard by anybody there. Well you thought wrong, darling. It's so funny to be sitting here writing about her while she's just a few feet away from me, yet she is completely unaware. But I guess that's the media and paparazzi for you.
At least she's scared the geese away. For now.

1 comment:

  1. ahhh....I may have forgotten to mention, she was talking on the phone...
