
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Happy April Fools!

Tumblr gave you the option to go tumblr PRO, which obviously I did. After watching a video, it gave your icon a little top hat. Once you became PRO, you could also see everyone else who was pro, because their icon would also have a top hat. It was pretty cute.
And it just so happens that it lined up perfectly to make it look like I was wearing the hat. :)
Youtube made a video about how they control what becomes a viral video, and revealed what this year's memes are going to be. And Google announced that whoever could find the most Pokemon hiding around the world in Google Maps would be allowed to work at Google starting in September. Man, I love what websites do for April Fool's.
Oh, and the First Lady announced she's running for President 2016 (with Hilary Clinton as her VP).


  1. It was as if April Fools day didn't exist in my world so that ms for the update!
