
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 26 April 2012


I MAY HAVE HAD A MAJOR BREAK-THOUGH ON MY COMPUTER SCIENCE!!!!!!!!##$%$%&%^%#$#$$&*_()_*^%^%!*!!!!!!!

note: ^ that is not swearing (I'm not that kind of person), I'm am just trying to accurately express my excitement/relief. 

But the important thing to note is the dreadful second, three-letter word up there: may.  It's not really a may, I figured the code out, but that was only part of the assignment.  We still have to make the numbers move. If I haven't told you (or you haven't read) what this assignment is supposed to do, I'll tell you now. 
We have to design this ^ game.  The ones, you know, where there is one blank spot and you have to get the numbers in order...? Know what I'm talking about? There is also a picture version where you have to put the puzzle together.  So what I MAY HAVE HAD A MAJOR BREAK-THOUGH on is getting the numbers in random places.  Most people would think, just use the random number function and stick in its spot. BUT!!! It is likely (and even more likely with the small range of numbers) to get a repeat of one number.  So what you have to do is choose a random spot and put a specific number in there. But then you also have to check that you haven't already put a number in that spot.  All very difficult to program.  So I'm 90% sure I have that figured out. Now, like I said before, I still have to make the numbers move. Which I think is going to be much more difficult.  I'm going to a computer programing contest on Saturday.  This was not voluntarily.  Well, maybe it was kind of.  The other girl in my class (there are only three girls in the class) wanted to go.  You can do it alone, but it's probably easier with more.  So the teacher asked me to go with her.  I figured I would go for the sake of the other girl.  She seems really nice and interested in this kind of stuff. She's kind of like me actually. She's quiet, into some computer programing, but would rather do something with someone she knew.  So I'm kind of that person she knows so that she doesn't have to be alone.  We did a practice question so we could get an idea of what to expect.  She was asking my opinion on everything and was basically doing what I said even if she knew there was a better way.  So on Sat. I'm going to tell her to just go ahead with what she thinks we should do and then I'll speak up if I object (which is not likely).  Oh no. The scroll bar just showed up on the side of my post.  That is probably a good sign to stop rambling. :)