
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 21 April 2012


It's going to be a quite weekend.  Yesterday was a PD day, and I didn't do much.  I went to youth group yesterday.  It was supposed to be outside sardines.  (Sardines is like hide and seek but reverse).  My BFFLAAT and I weren't really sure where you would hide outside, especially when it's still light outside.  But we were hopeful.  The reason it was outside was because the church was being set up for something that was going on today.  We played flags (my team won) and then we played soccer (it started raining before we could finish).  Since it was raining we went back inside, so we never did play sardines.  We played "volleyball" instead.  We were in the youth room with the couches lined up in the middle with the teams on either side.  You had to sit on the ground and your butt couldn't move.  There were two balls that glowed in the dark that were our "volleyballs".  Then the leaders turned the lights off and played in the dark.  Pretty cool, but the glowing balls could have been brighter.  Then we played 4 on a couch.  I am very disappointed to say that the boys won this time.  But it wasn't really fair because two of the boys had drawn their own name so there wasn't really anything to remember.  Also, they were yelling names around.  I should be hearing about whether I get the job at FCC this weekend.  I seriously don't know whether I'm going to get it or not.  I'm just trying not to think too much about it.

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