
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 14 April 2012


I was reading about the Titanic today, and some of the myths surrounding its sinking.  Supposedly it was the unsinkable ship.  But that has been greatly exaggerated:

"Before it sailed in 1912, it was not widely believed that the Titanic was unsinkable, and in fact a White Star Line (owner of the RMS Titanic) promotional item claimed that the ship was simply 'designed' to be unsinkable 'as far as it is possible to do so.' In truth, the widespread notion that the Titanic was unsinkable came from a comment made the day after the tragedy to The New York Times by Philip A.S. Franklin, then vice-president of White Star's holding company. 'I thought her unsinkable ... I do not understand it,' Franklin said."

 Amazing how we have managed to take something to such a grand scale.

Apparently there are a lot of people who didn't know the Titanic was real until a few days ago.  Is it really so difficult to have never heard about a historical event that famous and tragic? I would be curious to see how many people are unaware that Pearl Harbor or Schindler's List were based on true stories. (If you Google tweets about the titanic being real you will see what I mean). 

I think I'm going to Sherlock BBC this afternoon, if my friend will let me borrow it.

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