
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 17 April 2012


I was going to post yesterday, honestly! But then it was dinner time, and then other people were using the computer after that.  ...And also I'm reading Angels & Demons by Dan Brown right now and it is sooooooooooooo good.  I love the Robert Langdon series (so far, at least).  It has everything I like: Europe, art, art history, mystery and some super modern science.  Really, what more could you want? I highly suggest these books if you're looking for something to read.  Some people don't like them because it becomes a bit touchy with regards to Christianity and who created the universe etc.  This is a perfect example of when you shouldn't judge something by its reviews (DAD!!!).  Another unproductive afternoon for me.  I'm going to see THE HUNGER GAMES again tonight.  Normally I wouldn't see a movie twice in the theaters but THE HUNGER GAMES are just so awesome, and a friend payed for me to go the first time so it's like I'm only seeing it once (financially).  But really I'm going again because my brother just finished reading the book and so he wants to go see the movie now.  I got a mini toothpaste yesterday from a friend (not the one I was wanting to know about, but a gift nonetheless).  It's really mini. Like, maybe 3cm long.  Maybe.  It would probably last you a day, once in the morning and once at night.  But (because of my obsession with oddly-sized objects), I love it.  Song of the day is Boyfriend - Justin Bieber sung by Chester See and Andy Lange.  I love this version way better than Justin Bieber's version