
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 27 November 2013

QOTD #21

21. Are you in a good mood?
Well, while I should have been studying, I was watching vlogbrothers videos about The Fault in our Stars movie which I am SO EXCITED FOR. It comes out on June 6th, 2014. I also learned that Ansel Elgort, who plays Augustus Waters in TFioS, is also in the movie for Divergent, which I am ALSO VERY EXCITED FOR (he plays Tris's brother). So that was some fun fangirling. But it is also RIDICULOUSLY COLD ON MY FLOOR AND ESPECIALLY IN MY ROOM. The entire wing that my floor is on is cold, the heating isn't working. Probably how the mould got started. Or I guess mould would thrive in warmer temperatures...? Anyways, I've been wearing sweaters and multiple pairs of sock for the past week. There was even a time I put gloves on I was so cold. Being at the end of the hall (and not the end attached to the building), my room and the room across from me are the coldest. Somebody had a thermometer and the end rooms are AN ENTIRE 10 DEGREES COLDER than the rest of the building. They put two dinky heaters in the hall, which is kind of warming up the hall, BUT THAT DOESN'T HELP MY ROOM. The room across from me had been given a heater when it first started to get cold and they say that it only raised the temperature 2 degrees. The girls in that room don't even sleep in their room anymore. They go sleep on other floors WHERE THE TEMPERATURE IS NOT COMPARABLE TO THAT OF OUTSIDE. So if you're still looking for a Christmas gift idea, a heater would be greatly appreciated. At least I'm only here for 5 more days and then I'm home! So to answer the question, yes. I am in a good mood. TFioS tipped the scale. Had I decided to to what I was supposed to be doing (studying for Italian), I would not be in a good mood.

What scares me is...
The unknown. And I know a lot of people probably say that. But I don't mean the unknown as in "what's outside our galaxy?" kind of unknown (although that's probably pretty scary as well). I mean if somebody has a surprise or something. The little unknowns. For example, when the bus to TO left before I was on it and there was nobody around to tell me what was going on, that was scary. Situations where I am doing something and there is nobody to reassure me that what I'm doing it correct, that scares me.

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