
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 1 February 2014

(500) Days of Summer

I watched (500) Days of Summer for the first time last night. It was pretty good. To be honest, It was not at all what I was expecting, just in terms of how the movie was done. It was very hipster. But there were some great quotes that I would just like to share with you now.

Summer: I just…I just woke up one day and I knew. 
Tom: Knew what?
Summer: …what I was never sure of with you.

Tom: She took a giant shit on my face. Literally.
Allison: Literally?
Tom: Well, no, not literally. That’s disgusting. What’s the matter with you?

Tom: This is lies. We are liars. Think about it. Why do people buy cards? It's not because they want to say how they feel. People buy cards because they can't say they feel or are afraid to. And we provide the service that let's them off the hook. You know what? I say to hell with it. Let's level with America. Or at least let them speak for themselves. Right?

Paul: “I think technically ‘The Girl Of My Dreams’ would probably have like a really bodacious rack, you know, maybe different hair, she’d probably be a little more into sports, But truthfully, Robyn is better than the girl of my dreams. She’s real.”

83. Can you swim well? 
Yes, I like to think so. I didn't suffer through 10 years of swimming lessons to not be a good swimmer. Although I've always struggled with the whip-kick...

84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Yes. Well, I can stop breathing. I don't know if those count as the same thing.

Sherlock: Scene that broke your heart.
***spoilers for His Last Vow*** 

(Hey Dad: that's the one you haven't seen yet, since you wouldn't know)

When Sherlock is talking to Mary in the fake house and then it's revealed that John was listening to the entire conversation.  And how John kind of breaks down after that. Agh and when he says "How is it always my fault?" Breaks my heart.

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