
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Since, you've all been asking, here's how the bubble tea outing went (it's just copied from an email, so it might read a little weird? maybe not):
The outing with Josh was ok. We walked over to the plaza and got bubble tea and sat in the store while drinking the tea. We just chatted. We haven't talked a lot so we were just kind of getting to know each other better. But we're both awkward at having conversations, so that makes things interesting. The way he keeps conversations going is he'll say "tell me a story". Or "what is there exciting about you"? And I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, obviously we would both like there to be conversation, and not silence, but he backs out and forces me to come up with a new conversation topic. I would be okay with it, but he does it every time there's a lull in the conversation. He was shocked to learn that I'm half Chinese (he literally was taken aback when I told him my last name). But apparently I don't know enough Asian stuff, so he's going to teach me all this Asian stuff? He's shocked that I don't read comics. (Like, he has a thing for over-reacting a little bit. But I think that is going back to the awkward conversation; he doesn't want to seem like he's not interested, so he goes over the top.) Says him, who has a comic book as one of his textbooks and doesn't want to read it -_- I convinced him to watch Frozen though. I told him I would watch the Batman series if he watched Frozen. But it's not like I actually have time to watch movies right now. 

92. Do you want to get married?

93. Who was the last person you held hands with?
I have a memory of holding hands recently for a strange reason. Like the reason I had to hold hands was weird, not the fact that I have a memory of it. But I can't get at it. Lethologica. So the clear memory I have of holding hands was with Ryan, who is in my program, my art class and lives in Renison. I am not great friends with Ryan, he's not really the kind of person I would hang out with normally, but I don't know anybody else in my art class, so yeah. We had just come back from our art class and Uthi, a girl on my floor also in GBDA and who is closer to Ryan, was walking through a hall in Renison. Ryan said, "Grab my hand and start skipping. We're going to freak Uthi out." He didn't really give me a chance to even think about what he had said, so skipping down the hall I went, holding hands with Ryan. We both had huge grins on our faces and were acting like we were the happiest couple to ever walk the earth. We passed Uthi and her mouth just dropped. I have to admit, it was pretty funny.

I found these definitions on tumblr. I have no idea whether they're true or if the words even exist. But I like them :)
"Proprietary Eponym" is the thing I was talking about here

Sherlock: Character who gives you mixed emotions. 
Mary Mortsan.

You know I'm bad at communication, it's the hardest thing for me to do
- The Wire, Haim

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