
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 9 February 2014

My Life: A Summary

- minimum of 5 hours of studying each day
    - 2.5 hrs each for econ and business (I'm doing a chapter a day; I thought it would take me 45mins to an hour for each chapter, since I'm just reviewing what I've already read, but it's been taking me at least two hours)
- doing an image for my bookwork assignment for my art class
- which never turns out how I imagine in my brain
- so that just depresses me
- cause my hands are not the artist my brain is
- lack of sleep
- second and third winds, preventing sleep when I can actually have it
- drowning my sorrows in tea and baked goods (Timmies has these really good red velvet muffins right now)
- I like tea better with sugar, I've discovered
- which, you would think, wouldn't be a big deal
- but it is because the caf has sugar
- and I don't. So now if I want tea with sugar, it has to be when the caf is open
- which is never when I feel like tea
- going on an awkward outing with a boy that likes me
- drinking bubble tea on said outing
- which, quite frankly, was disgusting
- the bubble tea, that is
- there's this kind of middle aged man that works at Renison, doing maintenance stuff and odd jobs and whenever I see him, I just smile. Cause he seems like one of those guys that would just be really great to hang out with, like he would always be happy
- tea/sugar update: I've stolen some sugar packages from the caf
- but they're sugar alternatives, so I'm sure it will not be as good
- listening to Coldplay's "Fix You"
- avoiding my 5 hours of studying by writing this post
-  oh I also forgot to mention the hour of photoshop tutorials I need to watch
- because heaven forbid I don't know how to use the eraser tool and I need to watch a 5 minute video on it
- complaining to the void (you guys) about my problems
- which are nothing compared to the problems in Africa, which were mentioned in this morning's service
- I'm sitting by a window and these two squirrels keep running back and forth
- two mid-terms, a presentation, three chapter readings, and an assignment all (due) on Friday
- residence weekend brunches are my fav meals of the week because they have baked beans and pastries
- eating said pastries despite the fact that I already had a muffin
- I forgot to mention earlier that the muffin I got from Timmies was fresh baked; that's the pro of being up early, they've just opened and so everything was still warm and soft and gooey on the inside
- listening to Coldplay's "The Scientist"
- this post is taking longer to write that I originally thought
- apparently my time judgement is just completely off these days
- I went to the bank
- but forgot it was Sunday and the morning
- so it was closed
- so I couldn't get the loonies I need for laundry
- so that will be interesting when laundry day comes around (Wednesdays)
- I read on the bus
- because that's the only time I can find to read
- and I've really missed reading
- my tea has gone cold because I've been too busy typing to drink it 
- strawberry danish and red velvet muffin down, bread pudding to go
- I was going to try and stop eating to much in the pathetic hopes that I would look half decent in my bathing suit next week
- but to hell with that
- speaking of next week
- I can't even get excited because I have so much stuff to do
- including packing for next week
- which I'm stressing out about
- cause I'll probably forget something important
- like my bathing suit
- and I'm going to have to haul it all to Stratford
- don't even get me started on Stratford right now
- I am just about done with that place
- more specifically the campus/courses/professors
- damn this is taking a long time; listening to Hunter Hayes' "Invisible"
- I just dropped a piece of my bread pudding -_-
- my skind is really dry
- like, never before in my life has my skin been this dry
- the skin over my knuckles is cracking and splitting
- it's not like I needed that skin anyways
- the LEGO Movie got 97% on Rotten Tomatoes
- which makes me really happy
- cause I want to see it
- but now I really want to see it
- just watched The LEGO Movie trailer
- here, you can too:
- yeah and now I'm basically just stalling to avoid work
- oh hey I can do my daily things
- (the squirrels just ran by again)

91. Best room for a fireplace?
a cold one?

Sherlock: Character everyone likes but you don't.
Probably Anderson. Everyone hated him up until season three, where he was the only one who believed in Sherlock. And I really liked learning more about him in this season. But I'm still not a huge fan though.

I'm sitting pretty on the throne / There's nothing more I want / Except to be alone
- The Love Club, Lorde


  1. Pretty sure Tim Horton baked goods are baked off site, frozen, then defrosted in store. So you're eating a freshly defrosted muffin, not freshly baked

    1. that was like the one happy thing on my list and you had to go and ruin it

  2. Other than the tea how was the outing?? Good luck with everything this week. Saturday will be here soon.
