
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 8 February 2014

QOTD #90 (Second Wind)

So today on the bus back to Waterloo I was trying to do some studying for economics. But I was super tired, and kind of nodding off as I was typing notes. Eventually I just fell asleep for like 20 mins. But man, I felt so much better afterwards. Even though I only slept for a short time, I was roaring and ready to go again. Anyways, since I didn't get much studying done on the bus, I did some this evening. I went to pick up where I had fallen asleep and it was like a drunk person had been typing. There were random letters, random words, short coherent sentences, spaces of nothing, etc. It was hilarious.
Also, at dinner, I was sitting alone. There's this guy who sometimes if he sees me eating alone will come sit with me. I'm like 89.7% sure he likes me. He's always, in his own words, "baffled" when he talks to me. And I was like, well so am I so we can just be awkward together. I didn't actually say the awkward together part. But he asked for my number (after asking if I had FB). And so yeah. Interesting story of the day. Heather gets further than ever before in a relationship with a boy (I don't know what you want to call this).

It's 1AM right now, and I'm totally on my third wind. I'm really wound up right now cause all I've been doing for the past 4 hours is typing study notes. I think I may have to go take a walk around Renison. I'm going to start painting for a project I have. Like I said, wound up, not really thinking with the most common sense. Painting at 1AM!

90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
I won't have sex before marriage, but other people are entitled to their own opinions and what they do with their sexual desires. (I've been spending too much time on tumblr...I'm trying to make sure I don't offend anyone and justify my answer...)

Sherlock: Character you love now more than ever before.
Jim Moriarty.

I would rather have you than vaporize
By your lunar reflection in the sky

- Regarding Your Lover, Foy Vance

1 comment:

  1. So...do you kinda like him? What's he like? Where's he from? What's he taking? Need details!!!
