
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 30 May 2013

Prom Day

This morning has changed my life. Today, for those who don't know, today is my prom. Now, a lot of people (mainly girls) didn't come to school today. But I figured I didn't need to miss an entire day of school. And my math teacher said she was teaching a lesson, and I didn't want to miss that. However, I didn't want to look tired so instead of waking up at 7am like I do every morning, I woke up at 7:30. I have art first, and so I figured it wouldn't be a big deal if I showed up late. So I wake up and I'm getting ready and I'm not looking at the clock, because I just want to take my time and not rush. I get to school an what do I hear? A song playing over the PA system. Let me explain the morning PA system at Oakridge to you. They play random songs before classes when people are arriving. But then Mission Impossible starts playing in the last 5 mins before you have to be in class. When I arrived, a random song was playing. So do you see how this changed my life. For the past 4 years I have been getting up at 7 and making it to school on time when I could have been waking up at 7:30 and still have plenty of time to make it to school before the bell. I could have been sleeping an extra half hour every day. And I would discover this when there's only a month left of school.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Blog Stats

As of right now, my most popular post has been Night Fury.  The only explanation I can think of for this is because it has a lot of photos of Night Fury (the dragon from How To Train Your Dragon) and so if people are googling for images of Night Fury, my page would come up. That's the only think I can think of. Unless you all have a fetish for Night Fury and have that page bookmarked or something. The second most popular is My Top 5 Men. That's a little more understandable. If someone was googling top men or something, my page would show up. Ah, I have just checked and the top search result that leads people to my blog is the search 'night fury'.  The second is Robert Downey Jr. I'm glad I can be depended on for supplying the world with it's need of Robert Downey Jr. :) Most people viewing my blog come from Canada (not surprising). Then it's the USA. Understandable, seeing as they are an extremely large country and one of the most technologically advanced. But then it's Russia. I guess they're a big country too...? And most of you use Firefox and Windows. GO MICROSOFT GO! The next highest operating system is the iPad. Not even the Mac, it's the iPad.  (I'm looking at you, J).  It's so cool how the blog tells you all this. If you want to know how many page views I've had, it's on the right a little ways down.  I wish there was a way to not track my own page views. I'm sure my page views would go down considerably.  :)

More Photos...Hopefully

Monday 27 May 2013

Ducks...and A Swan

As requested, here are some of the photos from my Art Trip
Or I guess not because my computer is being stupid.
Well I got these ones to work...

Thursday 23 May 2013

It is SO Cold

And if any of my plants die, so help me God. But seriously, my potatoes are growing like crazy. I love growing potatoes :) Occasionally my parents will talk about me going to live in residence this fall. One thing that has come up is that I will have to do my own laundry. And I'm ok with that. Not saying that I'll enjoy it, but I'm not seriously stressed out about it. But they were suggesting that we buy laundry detergent now. Now. NOW. Why on earth would I need to buy  laundry detergent I'm going to use this fall NOW? Hopefully it stops raining soon. And that it gets warm again. I don't want to go back to winter :(

Tuesday 21 May 2013


I love quotes. But not just any quotes. Sometimes, there will be a quote somewhere and people will point it out to me. "Oh, look, there's a quote!" "Um, yeah, but it's about pre-revolutionary France." Not all quotes interest me. However, this one that I got from a friend's blog I follow, I absolutely love. It says "Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." She did a little doodle to go along with it, which I love. I would show you, but she has copyright restrictions on it, soooo...hopefully I'm not breaking any of those by telling you the quote...ah well.

Sunday 19 May 2013


Ok, I don't know if you recall my Pinterest post where I talk about people repinning what I posted.  Well, guess what?
IT HAS HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!r%^&*()(*&^%$#$%^&*()_)(*&^%$#@!@#$%^&*()
Major excitement. it was this picture:
And it was a repin, not just a like! (I'm not really sure if one is better than the other, but a repin seems bigger to me). It's only one pin, but know more people are likely to see it, and then more and more and more AND MORE AND MORE. Not that that is what this is all about...
And this is my SOTD:

Thursday 16 May 2013


Elementary season finale tonight!!! I'm excited. Also, I have officially been informed of my entrance scholarship to Waterloo. It was called the President's scholarship, so I thought that is was an additional one and I was like, OH YEAH BABY. But then I found out that the President's scholarship is just a fancy (and very misleading) name for their entrance scholarship. Ah well, I suppose one scholarship is better than no scholarship. This weekend is the youth group retreat, we're going to Overflow 2013. It's in Waterloo.  Rocket Summer is going to be there! I'm not really a huge fan. Actually, I only know one of his songs. But it's still cool.  I'm excited for it. It should be interesting, because before we've only ever done our own youth retreats with one other youth group. But this is a conference where I think any youth group can show up. There's only 7 of us going, including 2 leaders. It's kind of sad that more people aren't going, but it should still be fun.This is the one song of The Rocket Summer's that I know:

Also, if you were to paint a piano, what would you paint on it?

Monday 13 May 2013

The Tale of the Three Brothers

Yesterday I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, so I watched part one of the movie. I had seen a scene from it before, twice, actually, from when my dad had watched it. It's like when you're watching TV and you've only seen one episode of a show, but you've seen that episode 5 times.  Anyways, the scene is when Xeno Lovegood is telling Harry, Ron and Hermione about the Tale of the Three Brothers, and in turn, of the Deathly Hallows. Even when I had seen it before I had read the books, I really liked the scene. It's a good stand alone story that you don't need to have read the books (or seen the rest of the movie) to understand. So here it is:

Friday 10 May 2013


So I was just watching the latest episode of Elementary that I had recorded. From the beginning, I've always thought of Elementary as ok. It was never as good as Sherlock, but still interesting enough to bother recording it. The episodes are usually a one-off story, a crime is introduced and solved within the episode. But the last few have been one story, all leading up to the season finale.  But I could have never seen this coming, what they did. I can't believe it! I won't say what it is, because my mom might read this before she has a chance to watch the episode, but wow.  It's almost comparable to Sherlock. Almost. And obviously as soon as this big thing happened, the episode ended. So now I have to wait till next week to find out what happens.  There is only one episode left.   It's starting earlier than it normally does, so I'm hoping it's an extra long episode. It had better be, because they have some serious explaining to do! I can't handle it!!!!!!!!!! Just like I can't handle all this free time I have on my hands. There's no youth group tonight...what do people usually do on Friday nights?

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Electric Kettles

Ok, so there was this tumblr post about how Britain has to boost the power at certain times to cope with so many people using electric kettles at the same time. And I was like, no, they're just saying that. (Because, believe me, people will say some strange things on the internet), So somebody had asked if they were being serious and the person replied yes, there is even a wiki page for it. Not believing any of it, I clicked on the link to see what website they had lead the person to. But...they weren't lying...its true. (If you can call wikipedia the truth...) Anyways, here's the link.

Artists, Models, The Market and Ducks

That describes my day today. It was an art field trip. We went to the Art's Project downtown and heard from Steve Tracy who is an painter having a show there currently.  He has some pretty cool stuff.  He recently finished a series called Sculpted Flowers, in which he uses a technique similar to that of decorating a cake. He fills tubes with a few different colours and squeezes it through a custom tip onto the canvas.  It results in a very 3D effect. And one that is very tempting to touch.  All of my friends expressed a desire to touch the paintings.  At the end of his talk, he asked if anybody had any question. I asked if someone were to touch them, would it be rock hard or bendable? And his answer: Oh, well you can touch them if you want. !!!  My one friend actually let out a little yelp.  Needless to say, everybody was walking around touching all the paintings.  Not something every artist would allow!
Then we went into one of the studios and drew gesture drawings and figure drawings. It was really neat to do a 30min pose, that's the longest we've ever done. I didn't think I would like it because when we were doing 10min poses I found that I had too much time. But knowing that I had 30mins allowed me to take more time on the proportions and then eventually work on shading.   Then we went to the Market and had lunch. (I think that this was what most people were most excited about throughout the entire day). I had a meat burek (a pastry tube type thing filled with meat and then coiled and baked, with sour cream, it's so good!).  Then we went down to Harris Park to draw the ducks. We were lucky and found a pair of ducks that were content with just sitting there while we drew them. However, the whole point of drawing the ducks instead of something was to try drawing something that wouldn't stay still. Ah well, it was fun. I brought my camera and took lots of photos of the ducks and my friends.  It was an overall great day. 

Saturday 4 May 2013


Hehe...that rhymes. :). Seriously though, freaking out. It was awesome. If your going to go see it, stay for after the credits. So amazing! But I won't spoil anything for you.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Blue Skies and Sunshine, Another Beautiful Day in Paradise!

The sun is finally shining here in London, ON. And you can't help but be happy because of it.  The funny thing today though was the number of people walking around with sunburns at school today.  I was shocked! Day one of sunshine and already people are being burnt. Talk about starting off on the wrong foot.  The title of this post was inspired by Monopoly Tropical Tycoon, the board game with a DVD component.  When there is a period of time that you are not using the DVD, it will say the weather. But it keeps saying it. And saying it. And so now it's kind of a thing with our family, we say Blue Skies and Sunshine, Another Beautiful Day in Paradise! when it's sunny out.  I mowed the lawn when I got home today...I'm trying to do something outside each day, bonus points if it's physical activity.  One of the reasons I love mowing the lawn....Hold up. I need to reword that so it doesn't sound like I actually enjoy it. It's a chore, and I would prefer not to do it, but since I have to do it, might as well look for the positives, right? Well, one of the things I love is seeing the cut grass right beside the grass that has yet to be cut. It's kind of like the feeling you get when you've had to white something out and then when you start writing over the white-out. You know, the kind of excited feeling? Right...I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who gets those feelings...Anyways, here's a picture I took:

The people living behind us are getting their roof redone and the workers were probably thinking, "What the heck is that girl doing? First she was mowing the lawn, then she suddenly stops, gets her camera, is on her knees taking pictures of grass and now she's mowing again!"  Ah well. Annnnnd since I'm lazy about loading pictures onto my computer, here are some other photos I had intended to post but then never got around to it:

What do you think this is? Icing? Nope. It's cake batter. Well, actually it was cupcake batter. I made them for youth group, but I was just really surprised at how thick it was. They weren't great cupcakes, in case you were wondering.

And this is a tunnel/trail that either a vole or mouse has created leading to various places around the yard. It's mainly in one section, going between the deck and shed, where they undoubtedly have a nest.  However there is one trail that ventures off into the great unknown that is out backyard. Any guesses as to where it leads to?

If you guessed THE FRICKIN BIRD SEED THAT THE BIRDS KEPT DROPPING(!!!!!!), then you are correct.  It's probably what attracted the mice/voles in the first place.  And also this is a bush/tree hybrid: (I may have posted this one before...)

Wednesday 1 May 2013

(side note...)

Ok, so I just went searching through my blog to see if I could find you a link to my earlier blog post regarding Blink, but have found, much to my surprise, that I have in fact not posted about it before. Or I have and I just can't find it.  So now I will tell you how cool the episode is because of all the time traveling and things happening in the right order but it's wrong and aliens (that DW is so good at) and did I mention time? And the emotions and the feels ALL THE FEELS.  Another really cool thing is is that the episode treats you as if you were there with the characters and you can tell because the Weeping Angels don't move when the camera is looking at it but you know that the characters aren't.  You just have to watch it to understand.

I Don't Think I'm Going to Make it to 100...

Years old that is. I'm not trying to be a downer or anything but given my genes and the statistics of today, it's not likely I'll make it to 100. However, if I do make it to 100, which, by all means, would be great, I'm not dying until I'm 105.  If I don't make it to 100, I'm fine with that, but if I do make it to 100, I have to make it to 105. Because then I'd be able to say I've lived through two turn of the centuries.  Wow.  Do you ever just look at the big picture and it's like ".........um........ok.........wow......didntseethatonecoming.......lolnope......" Started off well, that sentence. It got away from me, yeah. <- Doctor Who reference!!!  Annnnnd now that I'm on the topic of DW, that reference is from one of my favourtie episodes, Blink. And now, as I'm trying to think of how to explain it to you, I am recalling typing it out before hand and thinking that I must've talked about Blink before. Oh well.  This is my favourite scene (sorry about the subtitles...it was the only video I could find of this scene.)