
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Cold As...

Today in my astronomy classroom it was kind of cold when we came in. The prof commented on this and said that it should warm from our heat (he tied it into our lesson about radiation). But halfway through the class it was not warmer, it was most definitely colder. Comparable to outside. I never took my jacket off and had my scarf on the whole time. At the end of class the TA took us to the roof of the building to help us locate Algol, a star that we are doing an assignment on. It was cool to be on the roof and looking at stars, but it was so cold! I was thoroughly chilled after sitting in a cold theatre for 3 hours and then standing outside for half an hour. I can't wait to get my warmer clothes!

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