
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 1 October 2013


So....I went to the mall today. I had intended on it being a very purposeful trip. I had a few things I needed to get, then I would leave. However. That is not how it went. And I am now fully aware of the effect of not paying with cash has. On the bright side, I got some great stuff for a good deal. But back to the down side, it got a little out of hand. I kept telling myself I was spending birthday money, but I didn't get that much birthday money. I think this scene from Tangled suits my situation perfectly.
And to distract you from that bit of honesty, I have pictures!
On Friday our prof had asked us to bring our cameras, so very reluctantly, I took mine. I was only reluctant because it meant I would have to be carrying it around all day. So I am sitting in class, excited that we will be doing something other than just a lecture. Not as such. We never used the cameras. I'm still not sure why she asked us to bring them. Anyways, during my lunch break I was mad that I was lugging my camera around all day for nothing. So I decided to go take picture of the building behind the Waterloo Stratford Campus building. Did a bit of research, the building was The Grand Trunk Railway shop. Functioning from 1870 to 1964, the GTR has been vacant since 1989. More recently, a fire in 2002 destroyed the west wing. I couldn't find a picture pre-fire except in this PDF, but here is a picture of the fire:
This is an aerial of it now, the little checkerboard building at the bottom of the picture is The University of Waterloo Stratford Campus:
You can just see where the fire was on the right. The pavement that heads down from the GTR on a 90 angle (which is now being used as a parking lot) is where part of the building used to stand before the fire. And here are the pictures I took. The building has a very steampunk feel to it, I think.

 I don't know If you can see in this ^ one, but there is a shattered light bulb hanging there. I loved the idea of the shot, but my lens was not capable of getting as close as I had hoped. I might bring my camera out again with my stronger lens sometime.

So there it is! I stuck to one end, where the fire had been. To be honest, the other end looks rather dull compared to this end which is exposed and rusted.

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