
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 31 October 2013


Here are some of the costumes I saw today:
- witch
- luffa
- Mario
- Luigi
- fairy
- Bananas in Pyjamas
- mime
- Edward Cullen (it was kind of scary how good of a costume it was. He looked like RobPattz, had shimmer stuff all over his face and dark circles around his eyes. He had a grey dress shirt and jeans on and he carried an apple around all day. He even kept this pained expression on his face!)
- Captain Crunch
- mermaid (the daughter of one of the employees of Renison)
- scarecrow
- gypsy
- cat
- angel
- Isabella from Phineas and Ferb
And me, as Mary Poppins! I am pretty happy with how my costume turned out. (Even thought it ended up costing me way more than I thought it would).
My floor also decorated:

It was hard to take picture because it was so dark. But here's what we did: we covered the walls and doors with garbage bags, hung cobwebs, a scary ghoul thing that moves when you open the door, bats, little ghost guys, bones on the floor, etc. We covered the lights with red tissue paper so everything glows red. Then we took red paint and put handprints on the garbage bags. My favourite part is we got cards that make sound and put them in the door hinges, so now when you open the door, you get sound effects! One screams and makes the duh-duh-duuuuh sound. The other one is the Harry Potter theme song, which I'm not really sure how that's related, but whatever. Oh, and we have a motion activated talking pumpkin :)

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