
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 5 October 2013

Friday Lunch

I decided this week that instead of bringing a bag lunch to Stratford, I would buy lunch. There are so many different places to eat! Anyways, I decided to try Boomers Gourmet Fries. Only to arrive and find out that it had been on You Gotta Eat Here!, a Canadian TV show similar to Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. I thought it was pretty cool to eat at a place that had been on TV, if not very tourist-y. I had Meatball Poutine: fries, cheese, red sauce and meatballs. It was pretty good. I only got two meatballs though.

But before all that happened, I had the closest thing I've ever had to an outing with, gasp, a boy. I know, I know. But don't get your panties in a bunch. He asked me where I was going for lunch, and I said I was thinking of the fries place. He said cool, and did I mind if he came? I said sure. So we're walking down the street and he's telling me about how this morning he was all rushed and forgot his wallet. And I was thinking, Wait, if you don't have your wallet, how are you getting lunch? (I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that it only occurred to me as I was writing this that maybe he was going to use me to buy him lunch. But I don't think he's that kind of person).  Anyways, we're walking and I go to cross the street. Half-way across I realize that he isn't beside me. I look back and he's standing on the curb. I just look at him with a questioning look. Once I reach the other side, I'm not quite sure what to do, so I just keep walking. Another block down he catches up to me and says that his friend offered to buy him lunch and then he leaves. That's it. Never spoke to him again. I was like, Ok then. And then went and bought my lunch. I'm not sure where we stand exactly. Was I supposed to offer to buy him lunch? And what if I told you that he's the uncultured swine?

1 comment:

  1. Of course he was using you...if not he would have asked to borrow money and offered to pay you back. Having said that, i would have offered to buy him lunch...someday that might be you...he might be a friend in waiting...living is about giving.
