
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Full Night

A few days ago, I overheard some people talking in the caf about a game involving zombies. I assumed it was some sort of video game. However, near the end of their conversation, they started mentioning buildings on campus, calling them safe zones. It was then that I realized that they were talking about a real life game that they were planning on playing. And they’re playing it alright. Right now. They have been, all day. There are people running around the entire campus with bandanas tied around their limbs. Guns strapped to their backs. And long strings of socks hanging from their hands...? From what I’ve seen and overheard, there are humans and zombies. I would assume that if you get caught by a zombie, you become one. It was funny because you hear all these people casually talking about all the zombies around campus. :)
Some friends and I went out for sushi for dinner. We were going to go to this one place, but when we arrived, we discovered that it was going through renovations. Luckily, there was another sushi place down the road. So we went there. Now, I don’t know how the rest of you handle all-you-can-eat sushi situations, but when my friends (from home) and I go out, this is how we do it: we all kind of say what we want to order, then when it comes, we just eat whatever. However, when my friends (from university) and I went, I employed the same order a bunch of stuff for everyone. However, two of my friends only ate what they ordered. They practically refused to eat anything else. So I was stuffing my face to avoid the you-didn’t-eat-everything-you-ordered charges because I had ordered for everyone. Also, we had a time constraint because we were going to see a movie afterwards. So while it was good, not the most pleasant sushi outing I’ve ever had. I saw the Fifth Estate. Mainly I was seeing it because Benedict Cumberbatch was in it. I enjoyed the movie. It is definitely a “smart” movie. You needed to pay attention. I think I would have enjoyed and followed it better had I a greater knowledge and understanding of WikiLeaks. I was really tired when I got back to res, and was planning on going to bed, despite it only being 10:30. But then my friend asked if I wanted to watch Iron Man 3, and I couldn’t very well turn that down, now could I? 

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