
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Late Night Driving

I went home for Thanksgiving weekend. It was great to be able to see my family again. I got a four day weekend, because I don't have classes on Tuesdays. It was one of those times when it seems like the world should still be on pause because you are, but it's actually not. Other people had to go to work and school. Not me! :)  I had the chance to see 3 of my friends this weekend, which was awesome. It's hard to believe it had been over a month since I last saw them! It was great to just hang out with them. My dad very kindly drove me home tonight, so I didn't have to take the bus. At one point when we were on the highway, there was this old blue Ford pickup truck. (Might I mention that it is dark out). It didn't have it's lights on. None. Zilch. Nada. At one point they had their 4 way flashers on but then they turned them off again. It was then that the importance of lights really sunk in for me. We had passed it, and looking in the mirror, you could not see it at all. It's as if it wasn't even there. A little after that, they were trying to pass somebody, so they put their 4 way flashers on again. Then they made the bone-head move of going into the merging lane. Yeah, I don't have any lights, but I'm gonna go into the lane where there are incoming cars. Great idea. Not. Then just as we were turning off the highway, they had their normal lights on! And its like, Where were those for the past 15mins?! People these days. But other than that, it was a great weekend. Thing is, I'll be back home on Friday. FCC is having a Fall Banquet on saturday and it's just easier if I go home for the weekend to get to the banquet. So I'll be away from home for a whole 2 days! I don't think I'll make it. I really don't.
Also MIDTERMS. Those bastards snuck up on me, big time. I need to start studying! But you know that I'll still blog because I procrastinate. Well, not really procrastinate, but more just not studying as hard as I should be. Is that procrastinating? Either way, I'll likely still blog. Mostly about my panic, though.

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