
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 22 October 2013


I applied for a Waterloo Public Library card since the university libraries are basically all academic books. I needed a piece of ID that had my proof of address on it. Despite all of the paperwork involved in applying to university and residence, there was not a single piece of paper that had the Rension address on it. So I figured I would ask reception if they had anything I could use. They didn't, but they sent me to Karen, the Head of Housing (or something like that) to see if she had anything. She was busy, so I figured I would check my mail box, which is across from her office. And I had mail! It was a belated birthday card. It wasn't until I was cutting out the stamp on the envelope that I realized the obvious. This envelope had my name and address on it! So, armed with my envelope I headed off to the library. Despite the chill in the air, I figured I would walk there and get some exercise. Only to discover that the road I needed to take was under construction. So I started walking through a park, hoping that it would stay parallel with the road and get me to where I needed to be. And while on this adventure of not really knowing where I was, what building do I see but the activities complex where OFLO2013 was held? Grateful for the familiar surroundings, I got my bearings and made my way to the library. The "Waterloo Public Library" signs helped, too. And after everything I went through to get the ID, she didn't even ask to see it. It was one of those scenarios where you know that if you take an umbrella it won't rain but if you don't, it will rain. Get what I'm saying? Anyways, I got a book out of it all so that's what really matters I guess. On the way back I saw a costume store so I popped in. I got a hat for my Mary Poppins costume. I'm still working on finding a skirt....


  1. I want to see pics Mary. Also...I'm reading Allegiant, what did you get out of the library???

    1. DO you mean see pics of Mary...? I have ordered Allegiant and am (not) patiently awaiting its arrival. I got City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
