
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 1 January 2014

QOTD #53, 54, 55

53. Is Christmas stressful?
It can be if you make it. I try not to get stressed out about getting people gifts and such.

54. Ever eat a pierogi?
Yup! I particularly like the cheese and bacon ones. And it has to be dipped in sour cream, or else I won't eat them. Also, I'm curious as to why they worded it as "pierogi" and not "pierogis" (or whatever the plural of pierogi is) because one pierogi is not enough for a meal. It would be more like a taste tester.

55. Favourite type of fruit pie?
HA. Well, are pumpkins a fruit? Yup, just googled it and it is. So then pumpkin pie!

Fun fact about "googling": Google is very careful never to use terms like "googling" and "googled" and instead uses "searching". Because that's what it is: searching. This is to avoid their name becoming the term used instead of the actual action. It's too late, a lot of people use "googled" and such. Other similar situations are: facial tissues being called Kleenex and plastic containers being called Tupperware. Xerox worked very hard to shift people away from calling photocopies "Xerox".

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