
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 29 January 2014


So tumblr had a Terms & Conditions thing pop yesterday. Now, as most of the population does, I usually just check off the box and continue on without reading. But having heard some things about this particular set of terms and conditions, I decided to read them. Obviously there was all the boring legal stuff, but then every so often, there would be these gems:

Completely legit. I was laughing so hard my don told me to be quiet cause quiet hours had started. Before being acquired by Yahoo!, tumblr didn't have rules and conditions. So you can tell right away that they weren't into this kind of stuff. But even now that they have to have them, they still manage to be themselves and basically be the best site ever.
So companies, if you want people to actually read your Terms & Conditions, add a little something special to them. 

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