
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 12 January 2014

QOTD #66

66. Cheetos or Fritos?
I feel like this isn't even a fair comparison. It's like comparing cookies to cupcakes. While in a similar range of each other, not comparable. But despite this unfairness, I choose Cheetos all the way.

Speaking of food, I went to the mall today. I went first for church. Then I sat in the food court and read a bit while I waited for the stores to open. I got some lunch from ManchuWOK and then went shopping. It was my little treat for myself. I went to the grocery store and guess what. I got two single servings of Kraft Dinner, a raman noodle bowl and a package of donut holes for $3.84. Three eighty-four! If that doesn't make you the happiest person, I don't know what will. I also bought Paper Towns by John Green because I've been wanting to read that for awhile and 500 Days of Summer. It was on sale for $5 and I thought, how far wrong can I go? Basically, I got a lot for very little today, and that makes me happy.

I've been in the process of going through and listening to every song in my iTunes library in alphabetical order. That sounds really OCD, but it was just a way to listen to the songs in a seemingly random order. Anyways, I've been paying attention to the lyrics more and I've found some lyrics that I really like. So every so often I might just tag some lyrics on the bottom of my posts.
I was listening to Weight of Living, Pt II by Bastille and I really liked the first verse and was going to add it to my list of lyrics. But then I just really liked the entire song, so here it is.

Weight of Living, Pt II 
by Bastille

The weight of living [x4]

All that you desired, when you were a child
Was to be old, was to be old
Now that you are here, suddenly you fear
You've lost control (You've lost control)
Do you like the person you've become? Oh

Under the weight of living
You're under the weight of living
Under the weight of living
You are under the weight of living
The weight of living, the weight of living

It all crept up on you, in the night it got you
And plagued your mind, it plagues your mind
Every day that passes, faster than the last did
And you'll be old soon, you'll be old
Do you like the person you've become? Oh

Under the weight of living
You're under the weight of living
Under the weight of living
You are under the weight of living
The weight of living, the weight of living

(Tell yourself this is how it's going to be)
(Tell yourself this is how it's going to be)

Oh, tell yourself this is how it's going to be.
Oh, tell yourself this is how it's going to be, oh.

Under the weight of living
You're under the weight of living
Under the weight of living
You are under the weight of living
The weight of living, the weight of living
The weight of living, the weight of living

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