
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Saturday 18 January 2014

QOTD #69-71

69. Ever take dance lessons?
I think I may have when I was younger...I can't really remember...

70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Uh, I hadn't really thought about it. I would like for him to have a respectable career, but it's not like I have a fetish for doctors or anything...

71. Can you curl your tongue?

Bought my first ever lottery ticket today! I didn't win though. I bought two tickets, but I'm gonna do the second one later one. I also bought an ice cream cone, which was nice. And then my friend and I spent the night in together. There was a dance organized by one of the residents going on in Renison, but we didn't feel like going. A couple people came around encouraging us to come, but we kind of brushed it off. Later we found out that nobody had gone and I felt kind of bad. But not bad enough to wish I had spent my night any differently. Also, our Timbuktu floor wear came in today! It's like the camp core staff sweater. It's so soft on the inside!

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