
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Monday 20 January 2014


The other girl on my floor, who from here on out will be referred to as A, who has no roommate, was saying that our don came up to her and was asking if she would mind if another girl on our floor moved in with her. Apparently the two girls aren't getting along very well.  A said no. So I'm guessing that sometime in the near future, our don will be asking me if I wouldn't mind. I don't want another roommate though. I just got used to not having one. So if she does ask, I'm going to say no. At least that's what I tell myself. I'll probably actually say that I would prefer not to, but if there were no other options for her, I would do it. I've been thinking about how I could potentially rearrange the furniture.  A has moved the two beds so that they're beside each other. I was about to do that, until I realized I don't have anything to cover the other bed with, and I don't want to be lying on the mattress cover. So I'm still thinking of different plans. I want to organize it to that I can have the two desks beside each other so I have a lot of work space.

73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
March 14th, 2009. (I didn't know that off the top of my head, I had to look it up). I was going on vacation with my BFFLAAT and we were standing in Port Everglades. We had arrived later than planned, and so were a little restless. After entering the United States and getting on a plane with the documentation I had, I was being told that no, I could not get on the Norwegian Jewel because I did not have the proper documentation. J was saying that this form had gotten me into the US, it should be good enough for NCL. And then J whipped out her lawyer card (not literally, unfortunately, because that would have been enough for NCL) and they still wouldn't let me on. Then there was this whole fiasco trying to contact my parents for permission and is it the proper form and she needs a witness and how will she get it to us. Then my parents couldn't find the form online and everyone was panicking. And then the fire alarm went off. I started panicking even more, but nobody else did anything, so I continued to sit there. Then the NCL people are asking what our luggage looks like so that they can take it off the boat. Meanwhile, J was starting to loose it and I thought, "I'm not going on a cruise. J is going to hate me, I ruined her vacation (cause they couldn't very well just leave me there and go on the cruise themselves). I'm not going to be able to hang out with my BFFLAAT anymore." Finally, NCL gave in and said I could get on. About bloody time! But before I could even rejoice, the port security come in and are asking people to leave the building because of the ******* fire alarm. WHICH HAS BEEN GOING OFF FOR 20 MINUTES. So we are standing outside, aware of the minutes ticking by before the boat leaves. Finally we are let back into the building. Where we have to go through security AGAIN. And so, after a painfully long and stressful afternoon, we walk onto the Norwegian Jewel. And that is when I cried happy tears. (I just want to thank J and I* and my BFFLAAT for still liking me after that whole situation and putting up with me after that. And even more so to be willing to face that situation again.)

I'm gonna do more bonus questions for a while. These ones are all about Sherlock.
1. Favourite male character: My first reaction is probably Sherlock. Cause he's amazing. I love what he does. Especially seeing him show more emotions and being in his mind palace this past season makes me love him even more. But also seeing this last season, I have realized I have this hidden love for Moriarty (and Andrew Scott, who plays him). So either of those two.

*that's not I as in me, that's I as in a short form of a name.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for leaving out exactly what I said that day! You were fine and are always a pleasure to travel with. Looking forward to our next adventure!
