
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Wednesday 8 January 2014

QOTD #62

So I was walking around campus today cause I had a bunch of things I had to do. I picked up "course work" for my GBDA 102 course. Basically I paid 16 bucks for 20 pages of stuff I could have found on the internet. I picked up my art tool kit, for my FINE 150 course, which is all about drawing and painting. I have to say, it was a bit like getting a present, even though I had to pay for it. There's a bunch of stuff in it including a sketchbook, paints, paintbrushes, big paper, a portfolio (!!!), pencils, charcoal, etc. They gave me a glue stick, which I thought was cute.
I was sitting in my room going through my new supplies when there was a pounding on the hall door, at the other end of the hall. I knew, from previous experience, that it was two of the girls from my* floor who didn't have their keys with them. I figured somebody else would let them in, so I ignored them. But after a couple minutes, nobody had let them in, so I made my way down the hall to let them in. I could see through the glass that they were giving up, one had even sat down. I open the door, and the one girl (who was still standing) has the nerve to say to me, and I quote, "Wholly f*ck, Heather, what took you so long?"
excuse me?
excuse me?
EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
So I asked, with obvious disgust in my voice, "Why don't you just take your keys with you?"
And the girl sitting down says, "No need to be sassy" while the standing girl says "Heather, it's only our second day back, we can't be expected to remember."
YES YOU CAN BE EXPECTED TO REMEMBER YOUR KEYS BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN LIVING HERE FOR 4 MONTHS with only a 2-3 week break. I just turned away and hoped for their own sake that they caught the door before it shut again. (Bittersweetly, they did catch it).

Now about Sherlock. **slight spoilers** I watched the two episodes that have aired in season 3 so far. I am not sure how I feel about the first episode. It was well done, obviously. But there were some things that I'm not sure I would've done had I been in charge. I don't want to give too much away, but Sherlock acts differently regarding some situations than I would've thought he would. And I'm still confused slightly about how some things went. I was watching it with my friend in her room. Her roommate would start talking sometimes and then people were dropping in, so it was an interrupted viewing. I want to watch it again so that I can watch it straight through and catch everything that Sherlock says. Cause he can talk fast. However, there were still lots of moments that I ABSOLUTELY LOVED. Ohmigosh there was this one scene that kept replaying in my head as I was trying to fall asleep last night. I can't even handle it. Episode 2, I LOVED. It was beautiful! It's about John getting married to Mary. It was so cute, but still had the "Sherlock" feel in it. And of course, Sherlock still finds a way to make deductions. One of the things I love so much about Sherlock (the tv show, not the character. I just realized this might be really confusing if I don't differentiate.) is the cinematography. The transitions between scenes are beautiful. The way they represent Sherlock (the character)'s thoughts on screen is so cool. AGH. After watching them, I went on tumblr for the first time in over a week. And it was just what I expected: everything Sherlock. The fandom has taken over. (That's why I didn't go on for a week, I didn't want anything to be spoiled). BUT THEN TUMBLR GOT TOO CLEVER and everybody's pointing things out and it's like, oh that's cool, I hadn't noticed that. But then people were pointing out foreshadowing and THERE IS A LOT OF FORESHADOWING AND THEY RUINED IT (it as in "something") FOR ME. I don't know if it's going to happen in episode 3, but you can be sure that it will happen eventually. I was reading the Sherlock Holmes books during december, but I had stopped before Sherlock "died" cause I didn't want anything to be ruined. Apparently there was more to be ruined than I had thought. I might keep reading them, since I know now. But yeah.

62. What do you wear to bed?
Right now, it's these really old Aeropostale pyjama pants and a Renison t-shirt.

*before typing 'my', I typed 'our', which is weird, cause that's like I'm writing to someone who is on my floor. But none of you are...

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