
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 17 May 2012

Long Day

I'm not actually swearing here.  Or saying that I'm fabulous (although I am).  I am merely showing you this gif I found of Benedict Cumberbatch.  I think the saying suits the picture perfectly.  I'm babysitting tonight.  Today has been a long day.  I had two tests this afternoon.  I don't think my math one went as well as I had hoped.  Wow, watching that gif flashing is really distracting.  I should probably go eat dinner.  We are having lasagna, one of my favourites.  We are having our roof redone right now so there is lots of banging going on.  My parents (ie MY FATHER) decided to get bigger air vents for the roof than the ones we had.  And I mean BIG.  They stand up and everything.  I really don't like them but wasn't complaining because they are going on the back.  But then I found out that there is one going on the garage roof as well.  This means I'll see it every time I look at the house.  OR OUT MY WINDOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm actually so mad.  I do not want to see that thing every time I open my blinds in the morning.  "Oh, I think today is going to be a great day. (starts opening blinds) I'll read some of my book and perhaps do some...(sees vent).  Ugh. My day has officially been ruined.  By some PLASTIC." Seriously, that's what it's going to be like.  I found online some instructions to build a Lego TARDIS.  (That's one down side to Lego: they have every popular franchise EXCEPT DW!!!)  But since I'm pretty sure I don't have all the pieces, I'm going to have to buy the individual pieces.  (You can do that online.)


  1. OK, first of all, the vents are aluminum, not plastic. They also are very expensive and designed to keep the roof cool through ventilation. I think they will work very well. If you don't like them, you could move out to the shed (where you won't have to look at them). Mom would change your room into a scrapbooking room in a heartbeat. BANG! (heh heh...)

    1. Oh, SORRY. Aluminum. And if I moved into the shed, my room would become storage for all the stuff that is currently in the shed. And if you go into the shed and look out the window, GUESS WHAT YOU CAN SEE?!?!?!?!?!?

    2. who said anything about moving stuff out of the shed?
