
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 31 May 2012

Good Day

Do you have a lot of pimples/mini bumps on your back where your hair hangs? I do, and I think it's getting worse :(  At least I'm noticing it more.  I am listening to the radio right now and have been most of the evening.  I hardly ever listen to the radio, mainly because my mom thinks there's too much talking.  I don't know what she's talking about. I mean, I know that there ads every once and a while, and the host will talk every so often but other than that, I think it's pretty good considering it's free music and it's popular music at the same time.  You know, I just realized that 95% of the readers of this blog have short hair, so you can't relate to my first question. Oh well. Try and think back to those days when you had long hair and ask yourself, did I have a lot of pimples/mini bumps on my back where my hair hung?  Today is prom, so none of the grade 12/13's were gone today (getting ready) and will be gone tomorrow (hungover).  So today in T and T we watched a movie and Mr. Darling said that there would be a question on our test about something in the movie just to 'get back' at the people who were gone.  While he was (trying to) set up the movie he was talking about his food preferences.  So now the question the test is going to be as follows: What did Mr. Darling rant about while trying to set up the movie? The answers are: he likes sweet and salty popcorn from PC, he hates V8 juice because all he can taste in carrots, he doesn't like his hot drinks cold or his cold drinks hot (worth two marks) and OMG I FORGET WHAT THE LAST ONE IS!!! How am I ever going to get perfect on my test now?

1 comment:

  1. while it has been many years since my hair has hung down on my neck, i can tell you that i remember getting rid of those by making sure i really rinsed my neck off in the shower. apparently shampoo and conditioner sometimes doesn't get rinsed well off the back of our necks (seeing as the hair is there and all). maybe it will help :)
