
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Random Tought Processes

You know, if I had enough Lego bricks, I would do this.
Today in biology while we were taking our note for some reason I thought of when I had lost my camera when my friend took me to Hershey, PA.  (I was going to say, "So today in..." but then I realized that that's how I usually start my posts so I decided to shake things up a bit by eliminating the 'so').  We had spent the previous day in the amusement park and were going back for a second day (I think).  I was going to bring my camera so I could take pictures but realized I couldn't find it.  I started panicking more than normal because when something bad happens it's always worse if it's not with your own family.  You get what I'm trying to say, right?  Anyways, my friend's mom suggested we go to the amusement park office and ask about the lost and found. Well actually they said we would have to look for it later (which cause more panic) and only when we got to the park and passed the office did she suggest that.  I remember thinking to myself, it's not going to be there, I never lose things THAT way (as apposed to having forgotten where I put it last). Only now am I realizing how...vain? Is that the word I'm looking for?...thinking that was.  The point is...well, there really is no point now that I think about it. Don't be vain, I guess? (BTW, my camera had been put in the lost and found.  I had to describe it to the lady before she gave it to me to prove that it was mine.  I remember shaking because I had never really looked to closely at it. I'm lucky I remembered that it was a Canon.)  I just made lemon poppy seed muffins. From a mix. Did you just feel a little disappointment inside?  I didn't slave over ingredients for who knows how long, I just dumped a bag of mix in and bada-boom, badda-bing. MUFFINS!!!! Mighty delicious muffins all the same though.  For some reason there were only 10 paper muffin cups left. What kind of paper-muffin-cup-making-company would do that? I think it is safe to assume that people will use paper muffin cups in multiples of 12.  So I had to go digging for more. Only to realize that the extra cups I had just found were a different size than the other ones.  So I kind of folded two together to make one bigger one.  I guess the count on those cups will be six off now, instead of just 2.  A packet of glaze came along with the mix so I spread that on the muffins.  It started dripping off onto the counter so I had to clean it up. And when I say clean it up I mean scoop it up with my finger and lick it. But then of course clean off the counter. But this way there was no waste. (the glaze was really good).  My school is having an art show this evening.  I was going to go with a friend of mine but now she's not going. I think I'll still go but it won't be as much fun without her.  Hopefully my other friend is still going. 


  1. What made you think of that I wonder? Maybe you ought to take some photos for your blog???

  2. And...sometimes I can't believe those things are made with regular Lego blocks.
