
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 20 May 2012


                                                 I've decided to change my reading goal for this year from 50 books to 52 books; one for each week of the year.  I've always thought it was funny that there are 52 weeks in a year and 12 months in a year, and 4 weeks in a month. But if you do the math, it doesn't add up.  Our new neighbours have been outside in their backyard all morning. I can't blame them, it's a beautiful day. But I can blame them for making an obscene amount of noise.  Their kids have been yelling and screaming and barking (well, that was more of the dog...) around in their blow-up kiddie pool all morning.  I wouldn't be surprised if my brother exploded from annoyance in the near future.  Oh wait, it just stopped.  Maybe one of them got hurt so now they have to go inside. Not that I would wish injury upon anyone....  Nope, there they go again. I knew it was too good to be true.  I pre-ordered Sherlock Season 2 on DVD and just found out that it has shipped!!!!!!!!! This is serious cause for celebration.  Although I'm slightly confused because it doesn't come out till the 22nd.  Not that I'm complaining.  So I don't know if they have it ahead of time and then ship it so that you have it by the 22nd...?  On Amazon.ca's website it has been in the top 100 DVD Bestsellers for 53 days.  (It's currently second to Lord of the Rings, which has been there for 430 days...more than a year).  Which is pretty good considering it only came out in January.  But if you're shocked that Lord of the Rings has been there so long, The Big Bang Theory Season 3 has been there for 649 days, almost two years?!?  Wait, that doesn't make sense. How long has season 3 been out for...? I think they're on season 4 right now....  Hahaha. I just realized something.  I was on Amazon.ca's site because I thought I ordered it from there, and I was really confused because when I had pre-ordered something before it didn't ship until the day of. So I was looking on my account for the shipping tracker thingy.  But the order wasn't there. But I just realized I ordered it from BBC Canada instead.  Brief panic attack there.  That's probably why it's been shipped already, so that I have it on the day of.  I guess...?

Did you know that Canada gave Queen Elizabeth II two black beavers on her visit to Canada in 1970?

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