
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Thursday 3 May 2012


One of my friends is in OakRadio, which is the group of people at my school who read out the announcements at the beginning of the day.  All the other people in OakRadio are graduating this year, so basically my friend gets to choose who is one the "team" next year.  (They are having auditions next week).  She was mentioning today some of the people who were trying out.  As she went through the list, she was telling us whether they would make it or not.  They haven't even auditioned yet.  She is making a decision for the school and she is choosing based on her personal opinions on people.  I do have to admit that there are some people on the list that I would rather not work with, but this is one of those situations where you make decisions based on their performance and not your personal distaste for them.  This is when one of you makes some comment about oh you should tell her what she's doing is wrong, etc, etc, etc.  But depending on what mood she's in, she will blow me off and say something like, well I'm the one who decides, I'll do what I want.  If she's in a forgiving mood, she'll tell me, I know, I'm going to give them all a chance, and then go decide like she was going before (lie to me, basically).  I feel bad for my one friend who is trying out but none of my friends really enjoy the company of, especially this one friend I've been telling you about.  After the major breakthroughs I had with my computer programing, I have hit another wall.  The program runs fine, but I know I will lose marks if I hand it in how it is now.  My teacher will want me to condense the code and make it more efficient.  Tomorrow I am going to ask her which is a higher priority, condensing this program, or starting on the next one she assigned a few days ago.  This is one of those classes where it is easy to fall behind in if you're not careful.  I feel bad for my friend, she's missed 2 weeks of school.  Today in T and T we watched a video called We Built This City: New York.  It was a very well done documentary about NY came to be.  It reminded me of a show called Trashopolis, where major cities have their worst garbage secrets revealed.  Did you know that most of Lower Manhattan is built on garbage? This is the description of the show:
"When the Dutch bought Manhattan, the island was nothing but a swampy marsh. Trash, however, in the form of enormous mounds of giant oyster shells, helped build the New Amsterdam Seaport into the most profitable port in the New World. For many years garbage and recycling became big business-controlled by crooked politicians, and New York’s most ruthless gangsters. Urban planner Robert Moses used trash to build New York City’s expressways, bridges, and parks. Today, a group of activists known as “freegans,” survive on nothing but trash thrown out by supermarkets, and an artist stuffs trash into small plastic boxes and sells them as art. A 50 million dollar project in Brooklyn used a new kind of trash to build a park on the shores of the East River."
Pretty crazy, huh? If it's ever on and you're not disgusted be a little (or a lot) of trash, I highly suggest watching it.   

1 comment:

  1. You already know you should tell her so I won't suggest that. All I will say is that if she is a true bfflaat then you should be able to say anything to her even the stuff that is hard to hear. May I suggest you have the convo away from other friends...and one on one...if she is going to be a leader (at school or at camp for example) she needs to be fair and impartial. Tell her that!
