
"Open your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever."
- Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See

Sunday 13 May 2012

The Weekend Has Reached It's End

So I went to Camp Hermosa yesterday.  (I almost wore a Forest Cliff Camp t-shirt, but then I decided against it ;)).  We (when I say we, I mean my dad, brother, a family friend and I) went up to help build a new cabin in our friends' name.  But it turned out to be a bit of a long day.  More people showed up than expected and they had more construction experience than we did.  So that meant that they had a higher priority to be doing work.  Also, they were working on the roof, and you can only have so many people on a roof at once.  So we ended up standing around for most of the day.  The funny thing is that a lot of the people that were working are over 60 years old.  You would think the middle-aged men would be working over the grandpas.  It also started raining so that cut work short a little but.  I haven't done much today.  Last night after we got back from CH we watched Angels & Demons.  I was really disappointed when the speech I really liked wasn't in the movie.  Anyways, we didn't get to bed till after midnight.  So I was really tired.  My mom and sister had been in Hamilton for a dance competition and didn't get back till after midnight as well.  So since I knew my mom would be tired and want to sleep in I figured I would sleep in as well.  I didn't get up until 11:30.  Then we had breakfast for lunch and my entire day has been thrown off.  We are going to go out for ice cream later.  Whenever we do this it is a bit of a fiasco.  My brother is allergic to peanuts and so places like Marble Slab and Cold Stone Creamery aren't good places for him to go.  But the rest of my family loves those places.  When my brother was younger and a little less aware of what was going on in the world we would just get him something at McDonald's.  But now he realizes that McDonald's isn't really an even substitute.  So we tried Kiwi Kraze.  But then my parents didn't like that.  So now we are generally stuck with Dairy Queen (I really want to try their Blizzard of the month right now) or Baskin 31 Robins.  You know you are pretty well off when the biggest issue your family has is where to go out for ice cream.  Had you noticed that B31R incorporated the number 31 into the BR of their logo? Pretty snazy.


  1. Peanut butter and chocolate is my favourite at BR!! Just sayin!

  2. Me too. But when you have sauce, ice cream, peanut better cups, more sauce, ice cream, sauce, peanut butter cups, whip cream, more peanut butter cups and then to top it off, more sauce, it gets to be a bit much.
